As a way for the FC community to support and give back to the school fresh & easy, a local neighborhood market, has agreed to give a percentage of their profits to FC, Oct. 17. The fundraiser will run from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the grocery store located on Cedar and Nees.
While shopping at fresh & easy, all students, parents and family’s must save their receipts for 5% of their purchase to be donated to the school. School representatives and volunteers will be at the store for four hours to collect receipts from families participating.
Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) fundraising members Sam Coplin and Deeann Grahm have organized this fundraiser in order to help the schools various programs and also to promote the school in our community.
PTF President, Natalie Munoz, is excited to see the outcome of the fundraiser, but with ulterior motives to promote the school within the community.
“Fresh & easy is a great way for families to come together and support the school,” Munoz said. “This is a great way to promote the school throughout our local neighborhood.”
This particular fundraiser has been running since September; but Wednesday’s one-day fundraiser allows the school to collect receipts at the store versus only relying on families to turn in receipts in the elementary office.
“We hope to collect one thousand dollars from this fundraiser, even a penny counts; some may think that their receipts don’t count but that is not true,” Munoz said. “Our hope in fundraising is to help the elementary programs and bridge the school’s gap.”
The fresh & easy fundraiser may not seem like a traditional money grabber but, in fact, is one of the schools largest independent fundraisers that run all semester long.
Fresh & easy is a large supporter of helping schools who do not receive funding or not enough to better the communities education system. Employee of fresh & easy Patrick King, as well as others are delighted to help better local schools.
“Fresh & easy partners with various different local schools, not just Fresno Christian,” King said. “We {fresh & easy} help schools like Fresno Christian who do not receive Clovis Unified funding, this is our way as Fresno’s local neighborhood market to promote our values on giving back to the community.”
The fundraiser will continue through the end of the semester, but Wednesday will be the schools largest opportunity to maximize the donation percentage.
PTF still plans on continuing their monthly fundraising activities such as the dinners; the fresh & easy fundraiser will take the place of Octobers dinner. The next fundraiser will be held at Chick-Fil-A in the month of November.
For directions to fresh and easy’s in Fresno, CA, visit Google Maps, or check out the map below for directions to the closet grocery store to FC.
View Larger Map
For more news, read the Oct. 15 article Lecture series to feature acclaimed speakers.