If you don’t know me, I’m a first year reporter here on The Feather and I’m one of the four captains on the football team. Today I wanted to talk about our football team here at FC and give you an in-depth mid-season update of how we are doing.
We are currently in the second half of our season. That means we only have a few last chances to leave our marks. To me as a captain and senior, that means a great deal.
It means that I only have five more games in my high school career. This is my fourth and last year of football, so I’m personally looking to make the most of each play.
But it’s not about me, it’s about our team and how each one of us are building our own football story. My freshman football coach at San Joaquin Memorial, David Soto, told us that each one of us would be writing our own football story that would define how we played the game.
Not just how well we played the game but the manner in which we conducted ourselves. Each story is unique to the player and is sacred to who we are.
This football season has not been an easy road. It has been filled with struggles and challenges that define us. It is how we respond to them that defines us, through our actions and through our character. This is how a football story is written, by facing obstacles head on.
However, when the day is over, it is our character that matters most. When football ends, character is all that we are left with. This is what our head football coach, Michael Fuller, focuses on, and he is right.
Football does not last forever but our journey with Christ does not end. Each week, coach challenges us to become better men. Men who will become leaders with character. Character is a reflection of our hearts.
Now with most of our season behind us, our focus will remain as striving to be the best representation of Christ on the field; in all things we do, to give glory to God.
For more sports, read the Sept. 24 article, Football sport shorts: Avenal.
PODCAST: Build you own story: Sept. 21 , 2012–
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