Volleyball is one of the various sports that FC supplies for its students. Whether it’s because friends play, simply for fun or they want to advance their volleyball career many high school girls participate in the sport.
Lexie Ellis, ’13, loves playing volleyball, and has looked up to Java Johnson, her older sister, as a role model while growing up. Her sister currently lives in Costa Rica where she continues to play volleyball.
“At the time I joined volleyball because my big sister played and I wanted to be like her. Now I just like playing volleyball in general,” Ellis said. “I love volleyball, I’ve been playing forever and I know how to play, but I don’t think that I’ll pursue it after high school.”
Johnson has been playing volleyball for 21 years, since the sixth grade. She feels that Lexie should take her advice.
“Always put God first and once you find your passion in life then really go after it,” Johnson said. “Work hard, love life and all it is that you do. Never limit yourself and learn as much as you possibly can every step of the way. Life will not be easy, you will definitely have obstacles along the way. If you fall down, just pick yourself up, learn what you can from the mistakes you have made and come back even stronger the next time around.
It was during the fourth grade that Ellis decided to follow her older sister’s footsteps and pursue volleyball until the end of high school. Ellis looks up to her older sister whenever she plays volleyball.
“I’ve been playing volleyball since the fourth grade,” Ellis said. “The only requirements that I would need to meet would be to keep my grades up.”
Although Ellis has been in volleyball since the fourth grade, she was not able to make the volleyball team in eighth grade. However, that did not stop her from continuing to pursue the sport.
“That was pretty hard on me since I’ve been in volleyball since the fourth grade,” Lexie said. “That didn’t dicourage me for long though since I continued playing afterwards”.
According to teammate Annaleah Madison, 14′, Ellis is an amazing player, that she herself looks up to.
“I look up to Lexie,” Madison said. “Her attitude is positive, and when I’m down she always encourages me. She comes to practice everyday always ready to work. She has an excellent attitude and is a big help to the team.”
FC’s varsity volleyball Coach Jeff MacNeill has been coaching volleyball for six years, but has been with FC for two seasons. According to MacNeill Ellis is a dedicated player.
“Lexie’s dedication to volleyball can be seen in the way she manages her life,” MacNeill said. “Her balance of work, school, church and a social life facilitate the success she strives for on the court. Ultimately, this entire team has made sacrifices that have contributed to our growth as a team, and Lexie is right there as one of our senior leaders.”
MacNeill sees a lot in Lexie, as he has observed from his time at FC.
“She brings leadership, maturity and consistency to our team,” MacNeill said. “As a senior and as a returning varsity athlete, I can always count on Lexie to be there as a role model for the younger players and to always give her best on the court.”
Ellis, however, will not be pursuing volleyball after she graduates High school. She has enjoyed playing it since she began but feels that she will not pursue it while in college.
Lexie plans to become a special educations teacher after she graduates from high school, and finishes college.
“After high school I plan to go to college and study special education, cause I’d like to be a special educations teacher,” Lexie said. “It makes me happy to be able to help those who would appreciate it cause they can’t do everything themselves.”
FC’s volleyball team will be playing their next home game against Minnarets at 5:30 p.m., Oct. 25. For more information about varsity girls volleyball, read the Oct. 25 article, Final home game marks Senior Night. FC’s volleyball team’s last away game will be against Riverdale, Nov. 1.
For more sports, read the Oct. 24 article, Personal sport challenges Moore.