As college applications wrap up, it’s time to wait for acceptance letters to come in. And I will hopefully still will have a choice to make as I decide where I will be next school year.
However, while it seems high school seniors have everything in the books, but truth is we don?t. College fears are still with us.
Many seniors like myself are anxious about college, we might have some idea but there still is a lot to think about. Here I will be discussing my top 10 college college fears.
1) What colleges that I will be accepted to?
2) Who will be my roommate?
3) Will I know anyone there before or will I have to make all new friends?
4) Will there be a church there that I can join?
5) What will the homework load be like?
6) Will I find my future wife there?
7) What clubs or organizations will I join?
8) Will my GPA be as high as it is now?
9) How will my faith be tested if I go to a secular university?
10) Even after college will I be able to reach my aspirations?
After thinking about how to solve these fears, I read a couple of Feather articles done by former campus students who have left for college. Their reassurance made me confident and hopeful.
I began to understand that what I?m about to face may be difficult, but I?m not the only one.
Millions of students just like myself are going through the same scenario and I have to believe the best solution is trust. This is the trust that my life is in God?s hands and that His plan is greater than mine.
That to me is the difference in facing college fears and to take it on with a faith-based perspective.
Some of my questions concern one single action that as a Christian I should be able to face. This is a leap of faith; I want to trust God in that whatever happens (good or bad), it is all part of my personal growth.
A Bible verse that I am reminded of is Deuteronomy 31:6: “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
PODCAST: My top 10 college fears : Feb. 13, 2013–
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It helps me to think of my life like one big movie. At this moment I?m in the process of developing my character. My success will encourage me while my failures will educate me and strengthen my resolve.
Faith serves as a strong base but experience and support help can build upon that confidence.
Throughout my life, I?ve learned many lessons that have helped shape me and will better prepare me for college.
One of the best experiences that has prepared me was when I went to the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts Summer Program. Nothing could have better prepared me for college life than going to college for a month in the summer, staying in the dorms and attending college classes.
At USC I learned how to be self-sufficient and organize myself more so than I had done before. Though I still may be nervous about college, I know that whatever challenges I may face, I will have both faith and experience to help me thrive.
For more opinions, read the Feb. 12 article, “Anchor offers tips for podcasting,” by Callista Fries.