As Winston Churchill said, “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” A majority of people would say they are not comfortable with change, because change can be scary. Change can create an uncertainty that people are not comfortable feeling. But, it can be a good thing. It can alter things in a positive way, making it better instead of worse, contrary to popular belief.
However, because of that uncertainty of whether or not the change is going to make a situation better or worse, people reject it. When changes come about, people can often become bitter.
The Feather staff wants to encourage students to give change a chance and not reject it right away. Instead of immediately dismissing new things, try to go with the flow and allow time before making a decision.
New rules can be a difficult thing for students to get on board with. With the new dress code regulations a lot of students became upset. Although it may seem like a personal attack on the students, the school is doing it for the benefit of the entire student body. Although the change may not always seem positive, students cannot dismiss it just because it is unpleasing to them. Looking out for the whole is part of what comes with the schools theme for this year, “We Are One: Growing in Christ.”
With Advanced Placement (AP) European history, AP biology and zoology, new classes were also added to FC’s curriculum this year. A lot of students got on board for this change, joining the new additions. This was an opportunity for students to embrace the change, which they did. If students would attack all the shifts of school in this manner, the transition could play out more smoothly.
Another example of a big change that came about this year is the influx of new teachers for the 2013-’14 school year. Some students may dislike the shift of faculty, and not because they do not like the new teachers but because they miss the previous ones. But instead of getting upset about the alteration, take a step back and let the situation play out. Students may reject the new additions to FC right away, but if they take a look at the big picture they might see that these new changes are a positive outcome for the FC faculty.
It is hard to accept change when it does not immediately benefit the party. But, allowing change to happen for the benefit of the entire school can be very helpful. FC is based upon helping one another and pushing each other forward to great things. Is it really worth it to get all worked up about just because it is not advantageous to the whole? Students should allow change to happen, simply because it can help a fellow peer.
By directly dismissing all change, a pretense is already set that whatever the change is, it will turn out bad. Bitterness can often be the result of unwanted change, but The Feather encourages students to welcome change with open hearts. But by allowing the change to happen and allowing it to take its course, it can open up a whole new realm of possibilities that were not available before.
Good things can come out of change if people would just give it a chance. Turning down all change can bring out some negative outcomes. By denying anything new that may come along, it can be a lost opportunity for some great things. How can anyone tell what the outcome will be if they never open themselves up to adjustment?
The new alterations that are occurring around FC are not direct attacks on any of the students. Sometimes changes cannot be explained but The Feather wants to encourage students to allow the change to happen without immediate resentment.
Change can be hard for anyone to accept, but for students it can be a great building block in life. Life is full of shifts and diversity that may not always be appealing, but sometimes there is nothing that can be done about it. So, by taking a step back, assessing the situation and going with the flow new outcomes can come of a seemingly unpleasant situation.
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For more opinions, read the Aug. 16 article, Unexpected Victorian-era book reveals charismatic plot.