High school students, especially upperclassmen, are approaching the entrance to the “real” world in the eyes of their peers. One of the most daunting tasks in a young person’s life is the choice of what career to pursue.
The annual Central Valley Career Tech Education Night is a platform that focuses on career opportunities in specific industries. Industries such as medical careers, automotive and transportation, building trades and construction, early childhood education, agriculture, energy and utilities, tourism, manufacturing, public safety, engineering and architecture.
Anthony Ayerza, of the Fresno Regional Occupation Program, coordinator of the event, expects to educate different demographics in possible career fields.
“We want to educate young people about different pathways and the starting pay scales and how they may go up,” Ayerza said. “If there is room for growth, what education and training is needed. Overall we want to prepare our young people for their future.”
We want to educate young people about different pathways and the starting pay scales and how they may go up. If there is room for growth, what education and training is needed. Overall we want to prepare our young people for their future. –Anthony Ayerza
The event will be held at the Fresno Convention Center Exhibition Hall and will begin at 4:30-8 p.m., Oct. 15, with over 100 industry professionals in attendance.
Industry specialists and experts will be at the event to share their knowledge about specific trades and the skills necessary to enter a career.
Hands on demonstrations that focus on distinct areas of a profession will be featured during the event so that parents and students can see what is required of a professional working in the trades or other industries.
“Professionals that will be in attendance range from business owners, to doctors and trades people, each career requires something different from and individual and we would like to showcase that,” Ayerza said.
Education is important to all, and the focus on career development, along with career prerequisites are keys to next steps. Ayerza went on to say that some young people make ill-informed career decisions because they have not been exposed to a certain field’s requirements.
The Central Valley Career Tech Education Night is the opportunity for all young people to gain exposure to a wide spectrum of possible jobs.
For more news, read Oct. 10 article, Students prepare for future SAT, College Board gives advice.
This writer can be reached via Twitter: @2015beal.