This is the fifth installment of Stories from War as told by WWII veteran Rudy Giannoni during the Nov. 7 assembly in the Student Ministries Center. Interviewer Paul Loeffler helps Giannoni share his experience to the student body.
For the previous installment, read the Nov. 15 article, Stories from War, Ep. 4 (VIDEO).
FC hosted World War II veteran, Rudy Giannoni, during a Thursday assembly, Nov. 7.
Giannoni told his story to the student body while being interviewed by Paul Loeffler. He spoke on his experience in the war as well as his trip on the Central Valley Honor Flight to the National WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C.
When Giannoni first returned home from war, he never spoke about his experience overseas. For fifty years he kept silent, and it was not until his granddaughter asked him about his past for a school report that he finally told his story. Since then, Giannoni has visited 57 different schools to share the memories he has on the war.
In this episode, Giannoni talks about his time in the concentration camp as a prisoner of war (POW). He elaborates on the food, leaving him at about 90 pounds after his release.
Giannoni also shares about his experience during the German Death March, as he walked over 300 miles for three and a half months.
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For more information on WWII vet Rudy Giannoni, read the Nov. 7 article, WWII veteran shares trauma, inspiring tales (VIDEO).