With over 75% of the student body participating, Spirit Week appeared to be a great success during May 3-7. Activities included the annual CSF Cinco de Mayo lunch, Field Day, and ASB Elections.
Student Leadership spnsored the annual Field Day. The games included a pie-eating contest and a water transportation competition. The senior class overwhelmed the underclassmen during the tug-a-rope competition, pulling them through pies on the ground.
On May 5, the California Scholastic Federation hosted a Cinco de Mayo lunch.
“The annual CSF Cinco de Mayo lunch was a blast!” Mandi Estes, ?05, said. “As usual, they [CSF] served enchiladas, nachos, lemonade, and a dessert.”
The Cinco de Mayo lunch is the main contributor to the CSF scholarship given annually to a graduating senior.
Student Leadership held the last rally of the year on May 7. During the rally a volleyball face-off between the volleyball team and the varsity football team. The girls’ varsity volleyball team beat the varsity football team, two games to none.
After 170 of 200 students voted, the winners for the ASB positions were David Tusan for Treasurer, Tara Albrechtson for Secretary, Chris White for VP, and Carson Belmont for President.
“The activities last week were really fun,” Jeremy Ramos, ’07, said. “I participated in all of the crazy spirit days.”
Student Leadership sponsored the strange clothing days, which included Crazy Sock Day on Monday, Beach Day on Tuesday, Crazy Hat Day on Wednesday, School Colors Day on Thursday, and the Pretty Pink Princesses verses and Big Blue Boys in the annual volleyball game on Friday.