Poodle skirts, tied-dyed shirts and white bell bottoms line the crowded halls during Homecoming Week, Oct. 18-22.
With the big night rapidly approaching, students panic over completing the finishing touches on their class Homecoming floats. To help build excitement, the campus leadership team is sponsoring Homecoming Week activates.
Students will be able to pretend they live in another decade during dress-up days.
“Homecoming Week gives students an opportunity to dress up,” Josh Tosland, leadership adviser said. “Students will be able to dress up with their friends.”
The student leadership team puts Homecoming week together.
“Students in leadership come up with the ideas for the week,” Tosland said. “Besides entertaining the student body during the week they try to encourage their fellow students with their floats.”
The leadership team is working hard to prepare activities for the student body to enjoy.
“Since it is only a week until Homecoming we wanted students to be more enthusiastic,” David Fujihara, ’08, student leadership member, said. “We hope to get more students involved.
Campus students look forward to the week’s events.
“I am looking forward to Homecoming Week,” Amanda Dring, ’06, said. “Since my parents lived in the decades of the dress-up days, I can use their clothes. The music is great, and the outcome should be good.
Other students anticipate a rise in school spirit.
“I think Homecoming Week should help encourage school spirit,” Nick Fraizer, ’07, said. “I hope it will get us involved as one student body; I can not wait to dress up as a hippie.
A list of activities for Homecoming Week is provided in the high school announcements on www.fresnochristian.com.
For more information contact Tosland at 299-1695, ext. 152.” “Brianna Stobbe, Photographer” “Disco divas dance with passion or fever? These divas dance with flower-power passion and roam the hallways feeling groovy. Juniors Bethany Morton (left to right), Jennifer Schmidt, Tara Albrechtson and April Fujihara get their groove on outfitted in ’70s attire during Homecoming week, Oct. 18-22.” “Brianna Stobbe, Photographer” “Who says that high school students don’t relate to past issues. Here junior Chad Wathen poses as a 1970 peace advocate.” “Insert text here