The FC video productions team films their original movie, Losers, April 5.
Losers, written by Zoe House, ’16, is an action comedy about two students who need to finish their video productions film final. Brianne (Zoe House), the school brainiac, is forced to fight Adam (Chris Kollenkark, ’16), an athletic jock, for the last available computer in the lab.
Film director Emily Ladd, ’16, discusses the progress the team has been making.
“We try and work as similar to a real shoot to make it as real as possible,” says Ladd. “This team is awesome because everyone uses their creative input to put this movie together, and we have a blast doing it. Even Christensen, our advisor makes the whole process a fun experience.”
The final product is scheduled to be up on Vimeo by the middle of May, before graduation May 26.
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