Students are encouraged to put cell phones away during class

Students and their cellphones seem to have a connection together. Teachers advise students not to use cellphones in class but students do otherwise.
An article from the Boston Globe stated that cell phones can be good and bad for students in school. It puts it in different perspectives from students and faculty if cell phones are a good idea for in class research and work.
According to the Fresno Christian Handbook, FC encourages teachers to use the “phone pockets” that have been provided by the school. This allows students to concentrate on their school and work rather than worrying about their phone.
Recently, students have been on their phones and have been caught using it for the wrong reasons in class. This called for a push by teachers to use the phone pockets that have been provided for them.
With this new rule being heavily enforced by teachers around the campus, the students are not happy with this. Students use their phones to study and for apps that help them out with their work in school. Ashley Zamarripa, ‘19, says that the rule is being used because students can use their cell phones for a different reasons. To her, students can be wrongly misjudged at times.
“I think that cell phone use should be allowed in class,” Zamarripa said. “There are so many different apps that we can use to help us with our work in class and at home. I do also get that it is crucial for us students to follow the rules and obey our cell phone use restrictions. I just feel like it would be better if we were allowed to go on our phones regularly because trust me, it really helps out for notes and other such things.”
Teachers do have a counter argument for students and their cell phones. Even if the students are using it for the correct use, they can sometimes get text messages or snapchats from their friends and sometimes they can not resist to open them and reply.
I think that cell phone use should be allowed in class. There are so many different apps that we can use to help us with our work in class and at home. I do also get that it is crucial for us students to follow the rules and obey our cell phone use restrictions. I just feel like it would be better if we were allowed to go on our phones regularly because trust me, it really helps out for notes and other such things. –Ashley Zamarripa
The main focus for faculty is for their students to pay attention and learn. With their classes always on their phone in class, it makes it very hard for students to concentrate on their work.
Another article from the National Education Association talks about how world history teacher Ken Halla has made his classroom smartphone friendly and monitors his students whenever the cell phones are out. He also states that this kind of positive message to the kids in his class make them respect him even more.
“It makes me happy to see the students learning right from their fingertips,” Halla said. “I want to be able to help my students have a better understanding of the topic and I feel like other people on their smartphones can help me with that. It also feels great to have feedback of how great this new method is. This is my second year doing this and I have had no mishaps or mistakes.”
One article from the Los Angeles Times talks about how 11 teachers use certain tactics to stop their students to stop texting in class. A foreign english teacher Angel Suing in Quito, Ecuador talks about leading by example.
“It is very simple for my students,” Suing said. “If I do not use my phone in class then neither will my students. It is important for me to take my job seriously and not as a joke. I don’t need to go on Facebook or Twitter while on my job. On free time, maybe, but not while I am working to give other students an education.”
Cell phone use will have it’s pros and cons. With students at certain schools wanting more cell phone time, teachers want the exact opposite.

New Testament and Christian Living teacher Donn Rojeski believes how he thinks cell phone use is not as important as people think it is. He shares recent stories of how he has dealt with cell phones in the past.
“I have encountered many different cell phone situations,” Rojeski said. “I feel like it is best for in my class to not have use for them. I think that students should only have their phone out when it is completely necessary and or if they are looking up bible verses for an assignment that I have given them to do. I cannot stress enough that the reason why the school has put pockets in the back the room is for their phones.”
FC wants cell phones to be used correctly and whenever you need to use it for an emergency you can tell the teacher. Teachers do not want to be rude and not let students use their smartphones, they are just scared that students will use it in the wrong way.
Faculty has been trying to enforce this rule every week and most students have responded with a positive attitude. Even though some students have not completely agreed with the rule being enforced more by teachers, they respect the decision and know that staff members want the best for them.
To read another article on FC school policy check out, FC adopts new tardy policy.
This author can be reached via twitter: @sukyboiii
Jason • Nov 29, 2016 at 1:35 pm
I also agree with Ashley’s quote that they should allow usage of phones because of how it would help the students.