Five thousand words separate males and females.
I recently stumbled across this fact in Guideposts Sweet 16 magazine [April edition]. The writer boasts that, on average, girls say 7,000 words per day while boys only use 2,000. This started me thinking: what is it that we girls find so important that it takes us 5,000 words more to say?
Of course, maybe that?s why my cell phone bill was $90 last month. Although this price included text messaging, it was still high enough to merit a lecture from my parents.
I also wonder if talking in person will decrease, thanks to the recent text message phenomenon. With this influx of text messaging, there are even more ways to get around talking. Instead of going up to a girl and saying, ?I like you,? a guy may text, ?I <3 you? [I heart you]. This gives guys an excuse to talk even less. I mean, after all, the reason behind texting a person is so you don?t have to call them. That requires effort and chit-chat, and there?s a risk of awkwardness. The beauty of texting is that you can express in writing what you want to speak. So, texting can be a blessing? unless you go over your allotted messages. Then it can be disastrous. The main problem behind this is that soon guys won?t have to say anything at all! Pointing to something with a nod of the head will indicate, hey, hand me that soda. Then, girls will use even more words because they are angry at the guy because they believe they have communication problems. Now, given these facts, I have been attacked by guys who have told me this statistic is not true. Well fine! EDIT: Not all guys talk this little! Some guys use more [or less] words in a day. OK, moving on? While guys may express their emotions through the aid of sports, video games or other activities, girls use their verbal abilities. One call can turn into hours of gossip and hot tears. Guys often resort to physical action to resolve their problems whereas girls will talk behind other peoples? backs, leaving scars that may last years. Girls talk about everything imaginable. Boys, make-up, celebs, other girls? and the list goes on indefinitely. My question then is this: should girls be talking less? Is it normal to talk that much? Are guys not talking enough or are they the normal ones? This leads me to believe that girls must have an immense lung capacity. I mean, how can we ramble on that long without keeling over! So, I guess the solution is to find a happy medium between talking too much and complete silence. Maybe then we won?t have to pay therapists so much. Signing off, Kira For those who want to read this magazine, go to