Golden pyramids rise above the shifting sands of Egypt. In the midst of South American jungles, crumbling stepped pyramids beckon mysteriously.
Since the days of antiquity, pyramids have been a symbol of great ancient civilizations but in today?s? society, pyramids have taken on a whole new meaning.
The original Food Guide Pyramid, released in 1992, has just been updated and revised for the 21st century. The new pyramid has two purposes. First, it is an attempt to improve its effectiveness in motivating consumers to make more healthful food choices.
Some, however, fail to see where the benefits of this new pyramid come in.
?I did not think it was that great of an idea to change the pyramid,? Kelly Gong, ?08, said. ?I grew up learning the old pyramid, and I think the old one is still better. Why should they put a section for oils and fats on a pyramid with health foods??
The food and physical activity choices of each day affect a person?s health?how you feel today, tomorrow and in the future.
?I think that just eating healthy doesn?t keep you in shape,? Teryn Pruett, ?05, said. ?But, it does have a big influence on your overall health.?
For athletes, eating healthful foods gives them the opportunity to perform their best.
?I do not eat healthy foods because it is good for me,? Gong said. ?I do it because it helps me stay in shape and helps me do my best when I run.?
When current high school students were growing up, they memorized and learned all about the old food pyramid. Now that the new pyramid is out, some students are totally clueless about what distinguishes it from the old one they grew up with.
?I do not really know what the new pyramid is or what it looks like,? Pruett said. ?I never knew the old pyramid had a problem and needed revising.?
Another purpose for the new pyramid is to ensure that the U.S. Department of Agriculture?s (USDA) food guidance system reflects the latest nutritional science.
?I have not gotten a chance to take a really good look at the new pyramid,? Andrew King,?06, said. ?The only difference I could see between the old and new pyramids is the addition of fats and oils. How can we benefit with more fat in our diets??
Across the country, people are questioning their feelings regarding the new food pyramid.
For more information regarding the new food pyramid, visit to