Event raises funds, promotes exercise
The echo of falling feet filled the gym, as children ran energetically around the court. The sound of music pounded in the background as sweaty elementary students attempted to run as many laps as they could.
This was the scene at the Apex Fun Run fundraiser, which was conducted at the FC gym, Jan. 12. During this event, elementary students ran laps around the gym to raise money for the school.
One of the lead coordinators of the Fun Run event, Peper Jensen shared his thoughts on why this event is important.
“I see this as a great opportunity to raise funds for the school,” Jensen said. “It helps motivate the students. It’s a great opportunity for us as a Fun Run team to come in and be mentors to the students in the school by giving them awesome character lessons that improve their character and help them to be successful people for the future. It’s also an athletic program that helps encourage fitness and athleticism in the school in general.”
The proceeds from this event go to the PTF which helps purchase equipment for teachers as well as run various events for the school community.
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Dean of students Amy Deffenbacher shared why she thinks the Fun Run was a great opportunity for the FC community. Deffenbacher appreciated the idea of motivating students to exercise while fundraising.
“Apex Fun Run is a self-contained fundraising program,” Deffenbacher said. “It has minimal impact on teacher time and a fantastic return. The students love connecting with new people and the staff does a fantastic job of motivating them. I prefer the fun-run format to selling items (trinkets, candy, etc.) because not only does it provide funds but it promotes healthy activity and participation for everyone.”
The total amount of money raised during the Fun Run is still being tallied. Deffenbacher is confident that the community met and exceeded their goal.
“I set a per-student goal dollar amount,” Deffenbacher said. “If that goal is met this will be the only student-involved fundraiser the elementary does each year. Our goal was an average of $125/student. I know that we exceeded that number but we won’t know the final outcome until we finish collecting in 2 weeks.”
You can learn more about the Apex Fun Run at their site if you would like to donate to FCS please contact the central office in building 5.
To read another article check out, New FC girls soccer coach sets standards, pushes team.
This writer can be reached via email: Matthew Sue.
Apex Fun Run 2017 from The Feather Online on Vimeo.
Hannah Marie Nale • Jan 19, 2017 at 3:07 pm
Seeing all the elementary kids excited for the run and hearing the music as they celebrate their goals is so much fun! To think we were all that young at one point, with no care in the world except having fun! What a great way to help get children moving and to raise money for our school.