During the month of February the Nation celebrates Black history month, which highlights the achievements made by African Americans. Many civil rights activists have overcome adversity to create equality for centuries to come.
Rosa Parks was one American civil rights activist who fought for the rights of fellow African Americans during the 1960’s. Park’s initiated the civil rights movement by refusing to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama , 1955. By standing up for herself and for others, she sparked the rise of civil justice in America.
After taking a stand, Parks was arrested. That did not stop leaders of the black community from helping her finish out the fight for equality. African American leaders organized a bus boycott, which is one of the first large scale demonstrations against segregation. The boycott lasted a total of 381 days, causing the U.S. supreme court to order segregation on all Montgomery buses, Dec. 21 , 1956.
Park’s demonstrated courage, overcame diversity and took a stand for what she believed in. Many others have also shown what it takes to fight for what is right.
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