Students are required to commit at least five hours to community service (seniors ten) for their bible class. While many do not relish the idea of service while in high school, campus administration has made it a requirement for graduation.
“In my class, community service grades are heavily weighted,” Bible teacher Greg Page said. “I think it is very important and that our entire school should have a day a semester to do some community service.”
Administration has placed community service as a requirement to teach students how to be servants but also because it helps the community at large.
“We feel that community service is needed because young people are often only noticed when they do bad things,” Principal Gary Schultz said. “Community service not only helps them learn how to be servants like Christ, but it also helps the students help those in need and they realize how lucky they are.”
The school requires community service because it is an essential part of a Christian’s decision to follow Christ. The Lord Jesus calls us to love others as we love God and ourselves.
1 John 3:17-18 says “If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.”
While some students a inevitably not excited about community service, many enjoy giving back to the community and helping others.
“I was a referee at a few 5th and 6th grade boys football games,” Nick Carrera ’05, said. “It felt good to help youngsters play a sport they love.”
Some students decided to serve at the powerful Billy Graham Crusade that was held recently in Fresno.
“I was an usher at the crusade,” Rene Roy Charest, ’04, said. “I was glad to help people to their seats so they could learn about Christ through Billy Graham.”
While some students volunteered to usher people to their seats at Bulldog Stadium, others had the opportunity to lead people to Christ.
“The Billy Graham event allowed me to share with others the good news of Jesus Christ,” Jake Sharpe, ’03 said, “it made me feel good inside.”
Now that the Graham Crusade is over, there are still many opportunities around the Valley for students to fulfill their community service requirements.
“I volunteer at Valley Children’s Hospital,” Samantha Kimball, ’02, said. “I enjoy helping and playing with little kids and it isn’t even boring.”
Currently an opportunity to complete community service has been offered through KIDS INC. They need high school students to help them Nov. 14-16. For more information on this opportunity or others in the future, contact Marcia Longwisch at 298-9256.