Career Fair shares light on future opportunities

High school is a time when many students discover their interests and possible career paths. The sixth annual FC Career Fair will help students gain a perspective on a career they may have an interest in, March 3.
The event takes place after lunch, which means all classes have a half day schedule. The speakers will introduce themselves in the SMC at the beginning of the event before splitting off into smaller groups where they will lead their sessions.
The annual career fair features 12 speakers. Each speaker will talk about the career they are in and what is required to succeed in that profession.
The event includes a variety of speakers including a firefighter, a pharmacist, a court reporter, a forensic scientists and others. Each student can choose four sessions to attend.
For some students, the career fair offers the opportunity to see what they are interested in. The wide range of speakers helps students who are unaware of what career they plan to pursue.
Freshman Lindsay Wiemer looks forward to attending her first career fair. She believes the event will help her get an idea for the careers she is best fit for.
“I am looking forward to the detective class,” Weimer said. “I think the career fair will teach me how to do a job well. I don’t plan on being a detective, but I think the session will be interesting.”
Academic advisor Michelle Warkentin organizes the event. Warkentin aims to get a range of speakers so that the students get to choose an area they are interested in.
“I just try to get a variety of speakers each year so students can get exposure to different occupations,” Warkentin said. “While students may still not know what career path is in front of them, if they attend each career day, they will be exposed to multiple occupations over their four-year high school experience at Fresno Christian.”
Katy Jacobson, ‘17, enjoyed the event in the past and believes it helps students figure out what they want to do after they graduate.
“I am looking forward to going to the web developer’s session because that is something I have always really been interested in,” Jacobson said. “I think they did a great job at finding a great selection of careers. (The career fairs) have helped me discover what I want to do once I finish high school.”
Junior Matthew Oliver is looking forward to learn about careers that he does not know much about.
“I’m looking forward to learning about the different careers that most people don’t really know are out there,” Oliver said. “I went to the career fair the past years that they have had it. I believe they definitely gave me useful information.”
For more information, visit Warkentin in the upstairs office in Building Six or email her at [email protected].
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