Robert Foshee‘s civics and economics class hosts the annual Econ Fair, March. 29.
In prepartion for the event, students in Foshee’s class split up into groups and discussed their buissness plans. After coming up with an idea each group advertises the product to sell. Most groups use social media as an outlet to interest costumers.
Olivia Palmer,’17, shares selling strategy in order to make a reasonable profit.
“We knew that food was going to be a popular item around lunch time.” Palmer said. “So we thought that if we came up with something that people could enjoy after eating it would sell well.”
Once the fair is over, students reflect on their overall experience and how they might use sales skills in the real world.
After working in the Econ Fair, Tyler Vanderlinden,’17, shares thoughts on the project.
“I learned that it actually costs a lot of money to get a business started.” Vanderlinden said.”I couln’t imagine running a larger one.”
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