Convoy of Hope is a national organization, which rebuilds lives by bringing volunteers and donations to help through tragic disasters like Hurricane Harvey. They support food, water and common needs for people who have lost their homes, Aug. 25 and beyond.
Since the hurricane has diminished and moved out of southeast Texas, organizations like the Red Cross are reestablishing hope to those who lost everything. Convoy of Hope wants to respond to Hurricane Harvey through organizing community events and volunteers.
World history teacher Robert Foshee wants to help educate campus students on how they can help and heard about Convoy of Hope.
“It’s a great faith-based organization which provides for the needs of disaster victims,” Foshee said. “Campus students have already collected over $620 but another business partner will match dollar for dollar what our kids bring in. We will continue to collect donations during the coming weeks.”
Convoy of Hope has already delivered +98 semi truck loads of supplies in a week’s time, helping those in need.
However, truck loads of materials, food and other essentials are still needed. Convoy of Hope Brent Riffel, partner development spokesperson, shared in assembly, Sept. 5, hoping campus students and their families would donate towards the clean up effort and let others know their organization is needing to raise awareness towards that end.
“Leaders from all sectors of society are out to make a difference in the world,” Riffel said when talking about the initial response, “and that was awesome. If some of you say, ‘I want to be a part of that,’ I would encourage you to do that. It is amazing to be a part of what we are doing.”
In 2016, Convoy of Hope donors, partners, volunteers and friends served more than 8 million people, offering hope and provision during their greatest time of need. Over 160,000 children were feed and over 47,000 volunteers aided in that effort with 1.4 million hours served. One of their mottos is kindness changes everything. Last year, the organization and its partners collected over $107 million gifts in kind.
Convoy of Hope operates on donations, and every dollar given is doubled in value. So donate today in the school offices or via Convoy of Hope. One can also text their donation to 50555.
For more information on the relief efforts, read Operations rally around Texas during Hurricane Harvey. For another Feather video, check out the 2017 FC football promo.