UPDATE, Sept. 13: Since the publication of this article, the retreat to Calvin Crest has once again been cancelled due to safety concerns. Calvin Crest was informed by the State they must pass inspection due to the potential smoke damage. Follow The Feather for more information on this event as information becomes available.

Original article
Students to return from camp in time for Grandparents Day
A week after the annual Calvin Crest retreat for eighth graders was cancelled due to a wildfire, it has been rescheduled for Sept. 18-21. The Railroad Fire prevented students from visiting the camp for the last week.
While normally a five-day camp, this year’s event changed to a four day event due to a full schedule at the venue. Regardless, eighth grade teacher Terry Richards is thankful the class will get to make the trip this year.
“We asked (Calvin Crest) for another week if they could, and that was the only week available, every other week was full,” Richards said. “They didn’t seem to think there were going to be any problems with the air quality but we will find out a little more later as time goes on. I like to go in the fall instead of the spring because we like to get the eighth graders to bond earlier in the year.”
Two years ago, the class of 2022 also had an event rescheduled due to a wildfire. Micah Sue, ‘22, is thankful the class has the opportunity to travel to Calvin Crest and looks forward to spending time with his classmates.
“I personally believe that there is a reason for everything and I think everything will turn out okay,” Sue said “I’m just happy that we get to go. I mean it’s not really our decision when we get to go, so I’m just excited. I’m looking forward to actually being there and hanging out as a class.”
Many students, including Ashley Sciacqua, ‘22, worried that the camp would not be able to reopen in time for the students to visit. The tradition of embarking to Calvin Crest is widely cherished on campus, as Richard’s eighth grade class has never had to completely cancel the event before.

“I think that it is going to be a great time and I think that God planned it for the right time,” Sciacqua said. “I was really upset when I heard it was going to be cancelled. I think we will still have fun even though it is going to be a day shorter, just as long as we are together and having fun. I am looking forward to spending time with all of our close friends and worshipping God.”
On the trip students will learn basic wilderness survival skills, compete against their classmates in activities and embark on nature walks. Richards also involves the students in ‘team building’ exercises to bond the students relationships before high school.
Due to the camp being reduced to a four day event, students will return in time to attend the annual Grandparents Day on Friday, Sept. 22.
For more articles, read: Remembering a day of infamy or 10-day Malta missions trip presents opportunity of faith, action.
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