Music department preps for first performance
Susan Ainley and the vocal music department are excited to showcase their talents at 7 p.m. in the main auditorium of Peoples Church, Oct. 9. The vocalists have been preparing since the beginning of the school year for their Fall Concert which will feature ensemble and choir. Ensemble expectations are still high despite seven members graduating last year.
Celeste Counts, ‘18, is excited for her solo in the song, ‘Bumble Bee.’ Counts hopes to display her improvements from last year to everyone.
“As this is sadly my last year in ensemble, I really want to see us represent our school in everything we do. “Counts said.” Since we’re going to New York I want us to stand out and prove how hard we can work. I think we can be just as good if not better than last years group if we really push ourselves.
“Ensemble is like a family because we all love and care for each other,” Counts continued, “and Mrs. Ainley really encourages us to be honest and open with her and each other. We work really hard and spend a lot of time together so all the girls are like my sisters.”
The choir will sing the Latin piece, ‘Ubi Caritas,’ which translates to ‘Where charity and love are, God is there,’ and the Irish Revolution war song, ‘The Wind that Shakes the Barley.’ Ensemble plans to sing three numbers: ‘Great Day,’ a spiritual featuring soprano Macie Thompson, ’19, “Bumble Bee” a vocal jazz number featuring Celeste Counts, and ‘Sigue,’ a Cuban poem which features the talents of accompanist, Ben Certain.
Ainley urges families, students and members of the community to attend the concert as she has invited all to come.
For more information on choir and ensemble, read FC choir, Bellezza begins preparations for spring NY trip.
For more articles, read Homecoming for Humanity: 33rd annual FC homecoming.