Brent Deffenbacher, pastor at Cross City Church, shares an abstract message on what the symbolisms of doors in the Bible, Oct. 18. He also covers how doors represent spiritual moments in our lives.
While Aubri Foster joins the sixth grade class at the sixth grade Hume Lake trip Deffenbacher visits her fourth period Christian Living class.
Deffenbacher covers how Biblical doors represent how Jesus is the only door to Heaven. He also shares how Jesus knocks on the door to our hearts, but we have to decide to open it.
One of the other points Deffenbacher covers are the “I Am” statements throughout various points in the Bible. Some of the “I Am” statements the class talks about include”I am the way the truth and the life”, “I am the bread of life” and “I am the light”.
Wyatt Koop enjoyed Deffenbacher’s unique message in Christian Living,
“I believe it was a good message to learn,” Koop said. “This message was something that I have actually already learned about at my church.”
After his message, he engages students in a conversation about what new things they have learned. One of the key subjects covered in the conversation includes the creative approach and symbolism of doors.
Thank you Brent Deffenbacher for joining Christian Living!
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