It is that time of the year again. Night of the Stars [NOTS] movie formal night fever has spread through the halls on campus.
The class of 2007 is proud to present a remake of the film, The Hunted for their NOTS movie.
?The movie is about a group of people stranded on an island,? Brittany Motte said. ?Then a retired general hunts them for three days.?
The junior class production team has been giving their free time and much of their weekends to make their movie a success.
?It has been very time consuming so far,? Bonnie Hansen said. ?It was raining one time in Oakhurst while we were filming for one and then trying to work with seven other peoples’ schedules has been a problem.?
The juniors express the difficulty of working with others to accomplish one goal. Everyone has different views of how they want the movie to turn out.
?We all have to have the same mind set,? Aaron Ortiz said. ?I?ve learned when you work with other people things don?t always go the way you thought they would.?
Every team has to have a common goal because working together towards one goal can result in a big success.
?We have finished about three-quarters of our movie with two weeks left,? Hansen said. “In view of all our efforts, we think we can win the award of best screenplay. Besides the coordinating of the filming dates, filming has gone rather well and the actors and actresses have done very well.?
This year the movie will star Will Hierholzer as General Zareoff, Jason Savage as Rainsford and Nick Erickson as Evan.
?I have learned not to film so far away from Fresno,? Motte said. ?It is a pain to have to drive up to Oakhurst every weekend. But other than that we have all worked well together.?
After weeks of work, the juniors anticipate great success for their movie and are looking forward to their NOTS premier.
Tickets for NOTS on Feb. 11 formal were on sale for $50 per person through Feb. 3.
For 10 years, campus students have come together as a school to celebrate the long collaborative hours put into the movies. The dinner and pictures portion of the event will be held in the Grand Ballroom in the The International Trade building downtown. The films and awards ceremony will be shown next door in the Wilson’s Theatre.
For more information on NOTS, read the Jan. 16 online article, ?Silver screen showcases Night of the Stars,? by Corey Maxey.