Brent Deffenbacher shares a message with students in chapel, Nov. 14. This week’s message focused on confronting your bad attitude.
In order to become a happier person, you need to change your attitude, Deffenbacher explained. He used the story of the Israelites coming out of Egypt to explain his message, paralleling their bad attitude with how students act today.
Faith Monroy, ’21, shares the impact that Deffenbacher’s message had on her,
“I like the message that he brought, I felt like he was talking to me.” Monroy said, “The message inspired me to try to control my feelings and attitudes, especially with all the exams and tests that are coming up.”
Deffenbacher is a pastor at Cross City Church, and preaches regularly in chapel throughout the school year. He has a son and daughter who currently attend FC, Blake Deffenbacher, ’20, and Paige Deffenbacher, ’24. His wife, Amy Deffenbacher, is the school’s principal.
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