Kevin Kallaugher, also known as Kal, is a political cartoonist who spoke at the San Joaquin Valley Town Hall, Nov. 15.
Kallaugher shared with the audience how he became a cartoonist for The Economist. Kallaugher gave insight from his experience into the challenges he faced drawing cartoons of political leaders and how he handled them. Hoping to inspire others, Kallaugher demonstrated how he came up with and drew his cartoons, in addition to what the key components of what makes a good cartoon.
Senior Cate Vander Kooi shares her take on Kal’s presentation.
“I really enjoyed the town hall, Kal had a lot of interesting points,” Vander Kooi said. “ I think it’s really admirable what he’s doing, using satire to cope with the stressful political atmosphere. It’s great that he gets to pass on that laughter to millions of people, especially with all the crazy things going on in the world right now. His presentation was very informative and inspirational for the younger generation.”
After Kallaugher graduated from Havard in 1977, he was recruited to work for the Economist newspaper in 1978. He was their first resident cartoonist. Besides the Economist, Kallaugher drew cartoons for The Sun.
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