Clint Letterman, associate pastor of youth ministries at Campus Bible Church, visits Christian Living for speaker day to share his message on Nihilism and what the religion believes, Jan. 30.
Letterman begins his message by asking students to remove God from their mind in order explain how Nihilists view the world. He discusses consequences of doing so, such as having no guidelines, purpose or meaning.
In his message, Letterman uses Greek mythological creature, Sisyphus, as an analogy. Sisyphus spends eternity pushing a boulder up a mountain only to let it roll back down. He connects this mythological tale to humanity with having no purpose to live. The boulder symbolizes meaningless things in people’s lives.
Some meaningless items and practices students brought up in class include making your bed, math, how big your home is and even how much money you have.
Nihilism is a belief that not only is there no intrinsic meaning in the universe, but that it’s pointless to try to construct your own as a substitute.
He closed his time in Christian Living by asking students to spread hope and joy that comes from Christ.
Thank you Letterman for sharing in Christian Living today! If you are in Christian Living, we would love to hear some key points you enjoyed from today’s message in the comments down below.
For more Feather photos, visit media, photos 2017-18.