Superintendent, Jeremy Brown speaks in chapel, March 13.
Brown preaches from the Parable of the Wineskin. The key verse of his message comes from Matthew 9:17, “Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” Through the story, Brown challenges students to dispense ‘good wine’ through the lives they live on and off campus and in their interactions with one another. Brown reminds students that by pouring out ‘good wine’, they are helping preserve and grow the spiritual lives of their peers.
Student chaplain, Erin Wilson, ’18, appreciated the challenge that Brown presented to students through his message.
Mr. Browns message made a lot of sense to me,” Wilson said. “I had never heard the parable before but I like the way he presented it. I think it is really helpful to know the way we act will always influence someone around us.”
In the past, Brown has challenged FC students to be ‘world changers‘, spreading the gospel and making a difference in the world. With this message, the same idea of growth and leadership is given to students, specifically through working within the school.
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