With spirits high from the day before, Feather staffers enter the second day at the CSPA convention with a bright perspective, March 15. Not only did The Feather engage with other students throughout the five sessions offered today, but they also taught two sessions.
Bright and early, students attended many different sessions around campus, including “Strangers on the Street” by Sabrina Schmitz and Mike Taylor. They spoke about the importance of good interviewing and how it can change the way you write your story.
Schmitz got involved with journalism because of her love for writing and telling stories. During her session, she explained how detailed interviewing can improve your story and make students better writers.
“I feel like I watch a lot of kids struggle and they put it on themselves thinking they are a bad writer,” Schmitz said. “Really they are just spending their time on the wrong part. They need to interview for longer and get the real story and then the writing part becomes a lot easier.
“For the journalist because it makes their ability to tell that story a lot easier,” Schmitz continued. “You want those quotes to do the storytelling for you. If we don’t get the good quotes, it almost forces us to put our opinion in there when it’s not needed. For the person, sometimes people don’t ask them those questions and they do have a story to share and that gives them the opportunity to open up and tell somebody about their experience.”
To see yesterdays read recap check out: Feather Takes New York 2018: Day 4 Recap
To read more about today’s recap check out: The Feather takes NYC 2018: Day 5 Recap.