Andrea Donaghe awards senior CSF (California Scholarship Federation) members with certificates, graduation tassels and cords at the annual senior CSF award banquet, May 15.
CSF allows academically outstanding students opportunities for college scholarships. The organization encourages members to work hard in school and help the community through community service.
Juliana Lozano, ‘18, was chosen for the CSF scholarship award for this year’s class.
Junior and sophomore CSF students volunteer to serve dinner and dessert at the banquet.
Next stop, seniors head to southern California for their senior trip. The class has a full schedule with Disneyland, a Hollywood play, bowling and more. Stay tuned with The Feather’s instagram for senior trip updates!
Mark your calendars for senior graduation, May 24!
Below show slideshow images from CSF senior banquet, May 15.
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This author can be reached via twitter @juliafikse via email: Julia Fikse.
For more Feather photos, visit media, photos 2017-18.