P.E. and track coach, Mick Fuller, encourages students to live a healthier lifestyle by teaching the high school track team lifting techniques in Barbell Club and training in strength and conditioning class, Oct. 12.
Junior Annabelle Messer, has been a member of the FC track team for two years. She shares her thoughts on why Fuller is such an impactful coach.
“Mr. Fuller is a great coach because he is always pushing his athletes past their limits,” Messer said. “He encourages us to do our absolute best. Fuller makes us do things that we don’t want to do but he is always by our side, guiding us every step of the way.”
Not only is he a coach and mentor but also helps guide students by assisting with the proper meal plan to suit them.
Fuller has been coaching at Fresno Christian for many years, and has influenced hundreds of lives.
“I love that I can help students make healthier lifestyle decisions and prevent them from making mistakes that could hurt their health forever,” Fuller said. “It is quite an incredible thing to witness my athletes achieving their goals, and witnessing their hard work paying off in the end.”
Coach Fuller tries to get as any members of the student body as he can to become “functional human beings” by coaching strength and conditioning, high school physical education, and track. He has also coached many other sports including football.
His coaching techniques teach athletes discipline and ability to be the best through training.
Mason Beal, ’22, is one of Fuller’s strength and conditioning students. He shares why he enjoys being coached and trained by Fuller.
“I love that not only does Coach Fuller motivate you but he also pushes you to your full potential,” Beal said. “He is always making sure that if you are doing something, it is done right. He is extremely different than other coaches that I have had in the past because he never lets anything be done halfway, it’s all or nothing with Fuller.”
To read more about Fuller, visits his blog site, Functional Human Blog.
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