With the 34th annual homecoming game approaching, high school leadership is hosting a bonfire rally to excite football players and students, from 6:30-8:15 p.m., Sept. 28.

The rally returns to the Nale property where they provide their barn for students to gather. While dinner is not included, students will be provided with lemonade, s’mores and a night of speeches, a cheerleading performance and free time.
Freshman football player Casey LaCroix anticipates a night of hanging out with teammates and classmates.
“I’m expecting smores, and if that’s there, then I’m there,” LaCroix said. “I’m excited because my brother Aaron will be giving a speech.”
All captains give a speech to encourage their teammates and prepare everyone for the homecoming game, Oct. 5. The football players have the opportunity to gather with their peers and recognize their achievements thus far on the field.
One of four captains Darrin Williams tells how he prepares his team for the homecoming game.
“I’m excited because last year it was really fun and everyone got hyped up for the football season.” Williams said. ”I plan to encourage everyone to do their best and do their job; that’s all you can really do.”
Everyone is encouraged to attend the bonfire rally. Student leadership advisor Aubri Foster explains the importance of being involved in school events.
“We get to celebrate all the football players and pump everyone up for homecoming,” Foster said. “Every student should come, all of them. Freshmen, you should experience everything–all the events.”
Freshmen have yet to experienced a high school rally yet. Skyler Higginbotham, ’22, explains her excitement of being included as a freshman in high school events.
“I’m excited for the bonfire rally,” Higginbotham said. “It’s just one of the first things in high school that’s fun. When you’re a freshman, it’s good to be included in these things because you will always hear about them. I would regret not going if it was something everyone should go to. You should definitely go to as many events as possible.”

For students who cannot drive and do not have a ride to or from the rally, a bus leaves campus at 5:45 p.m from the high school parking lot. After a night of revelry, the bus returns to campus by 8:45 p.m. The bus fee is $5; the snacks are free. In order to ride the bus, students must turn in the $5 to Michelle Logan in the high school office.
Junior Bryce Barker has not yet attended a bonfire rally in his high school career and plans on not attending this year as well.
“I just don’t want to go; it’s kind of far,” Barker said. “I will be hanging with friends instead and will probably be playing basketball.”
While this Friday is a bye week, the bonfire rally is meant to keep the student body engaged in support for our next game–homecoming 2018!
The 34th annual homecoming football game is against Frazier Mountain High School (Lebec, CA). Tickets are $5 for adults, with seniors and students $3, if they have an ID card. FC students are free as well as children under 5 years. Gates open at 6 p.m. with festivities starting at 6:30 p.m. Concessions will be selling taco dinners on top of what each class float will be selling.
Each class is preparing a float following the theme of Disney. This year, high school students decided to donate all money they make to ‘Kids on a Mission’, an organization that helps families and children, as well as helping kids make a change in the world.
At halftime, the crowning of the homecoming court will take place. Make sure to go out and support your fellow Eagles.
For more homecoming last year, read Homecoming for Humanity: 33rd annual FC homecoming and Leadership strives to set example, encourage others.
Megan Leblanc also contributed to this article. LeBlanc can be reached via email and twitter.
Bryce Foshee • Sep 27, 2018 at 8:40 pm
Great job on your first article Megan and Annabelle! I’m super pumped for the Bonfire rally!