Juniors Annabelle Messer and Megan LeBlanc begin the blog series, “Girl Talk” covering issues spotlighting triumphs and struggles from the female perspective. They published their first blog, Oct. 5.

We look in the mirror and our insecurities consume our vision. We take one more glance as we pull away and realize what we are not. This is an issue all teenage girls face. For hours, teens scroll through social media and see the ‘perfect’ models as they pose for the camera. With no acne, no body fat, plus confidence, everyone wishes they could become them.
Many teens struggle with their body image. Everyone holds insecurities whether we show it or not. We look in the mirror and point out everything that we do not like about ourselves. Whether it be our nose, the color of our eyes, or even our freckles.
In our society we are told that being skinny, blonde, tall, etc., shows how pretty we are. A huge aspect that advertises this list is social media. Individuals on social media only show the finest moments of themselves. They try to show that they are perfect with the perfect filter and the perfect app to make their skin clear and teeth white.
Junior Nicole Wagner shares her opinion on social media on top of how girls compare themselves with each other and how to be more confident.
“Girls only see the best moments of how a girl looks on social media,” Wagner said. “They start to become angry at themselves because they don’t have a perfect body. They compare other women to themselves because they worry they won’t get anywhere in life, because the patriarchy favors women with perfect bodies.
“Body positivity needs to start at a young age,” Wagner continued. “If parents teach a girl to love every aspect of themselves when they are little, they will grow up and be more immune to the stigma.”
Hollywood is another big aspect that shows what ‘pretty’ looks like. Movies capture so many takes just to produce the perfect shot. The shot where all the actors and actresses look flawless on top of no mess ups. But that is not real life. We all mess up and no one ever looks flawless.
We continue to walk down the halls of high school feeling self conscious, hoping no one realizes our insecurities that pop out every time we look at ourselves. Comparing ourselves and seeing if we are as pretty as the girl walking past us, we look at how skinny or how long her hair is.

Some girls do whatever it takes to get noticed by anyone or just to be given one compliment, whether it be showing more skin or doing something that we may regret in the future. The image society shapes of a pretty girl has poisoned our minds and corrupted the way we think of ourselves.
Body image is not a new issue. It has always been an issue, but it has definitely progressed as social media has become more popular. Having body image insecurities is part of our human nature. Instead of pointing our insecurities out and pointing out everything we do not like about ourselves, lets embrace it!
Explaining how she thinks self image affects girls, Señorita Rachel Rodriguez shares that girls are pressured to show more skin and try to fit body types that do not fit them. Rodriguez says that girls should find what compliments them and to stop changing their body to fit other body types.
“I feel like it affects them in a negative way with what is out there,” Rodriguez said. “I feel like they think they have to expose more of themselves instead of keeping their treasures hidden. Social media sets this unrealistic standard; social media is so prevalent and girls often see these images that do not match their body type but yet they are trying to fit into that body type. They need to learn more about themselves and what compliments them.”
Self harm plays a significant role in self image. Girls tend to go to self harm when depressed or they do not look the way they want to. As they begin to get frustrated with themselves, they quit focusing on their beauty and start focusing on their imperfections.
As teens begin to care only about how they look, it becomes unhealthy. Honestly, what is on the inside counts way more. Everyone struggles with body image issues, even I do. I try not to compare myself with others. Though it is hard, reminding myself that God made me perfectly in His image and He made me just the way He wanted helps a lot. Focus on what God has blessed you with and on the features you love about yourself and not the ones that put you down.
For more Girl Talk blogs, read COMMENTARY: Girl Talk–Trust. For more articles, read Renowned journalist David Epstein lectures at SJV Town Hall.