Former players return to compete with high school team
The annual FC alumni soccer practice will be held once again on the soccer field. The event welcomes all FC soccer alumni back to participate in soccer practice to play with the current soccer team at 9 a.m., Nov. 24.

The event first started 20 years ago as a way for former players to stay connected to the program and for the team to get a chance to play before the real games start. It has previously been a guys only practice, but this year the girls soccer team will participate as well.
The host of this event and girls varsity soccer coach Matt Markarian enjoys seeing older players play and reconnecting with them.
“I host this event every year as a reunion of sorts,” Markarian said. “It is great to connect to players who have been a part of this program over the past 20 years. I hope this gives the soccer team a chance to work out some kinks and to get a true evaluation of where they are before the games start counting. We are also working on a girls game as well. This will be the first time we have attempted to have a girls game.”
Alumnus Garrett Markarian, ‘00, will be attending this year’s game. He is excited to see his past teammates and other alumni.
“I have attended the alumni game approximately 17 times,” Garrett Markarian said. “ I’m looking forward to seeing the alumni that I don’t still see and catching up on life. My favorite part is seeing the look on the current players faces when they see the alumni players and know they better be wearing shin guards and of course scoring goals and celebrating with past teammates.”
Another alumnus Julian Castro, ’17, enjoys seeing the newer players and also getting exercise over the break.
“I go to the alumni games because I enjoy seeing how the younger guys are doing and I also enjoy getting some exercise during the Thanksgiving break,” Castro said. “I’ve attended the alumni game once so far and will probably make it two this year. I am looking forward to seeing some old friends and playing some soccer. It’s fun to get out there and play a game that I don’t play anymore. My favorite part of the alumni game is talking to all the other alumni that are older and the new FC team.”
Four-year varsity player Reese Brown, ‘19, likes participating with the alumni because he gets to see all his past teammates.
“This will be my fourth year of attending the alumni practice,” Brown said. “I am attending the alumni game because I enjoy getting to see all of my former teammates and catching up with them. The alumni game helps the team because it prepares us for our first game of the season.”
All FC soccer alumni are welcomed to attend. Coach Markarian can offer more information if needed via email. Bring your cleats and gear and plan on a great practice!
For more articles, read Boys soccer kicks off under new head coach and Join The Discussion: Thanksgiving.
Annalise Rosik • Nov 22, 2018 at 9:35 pm
Is the girls game at 10 a.m.?