It’s that time of year again when our elementary students are gearing up to participate in the annual Apex Remix event. Apex Team Leader Kickin’ it Kaylie talks to students about the event getting them excited for participating in an event to help their school, Jan. 10.
The Apex Leadership Co. is partnering with Fresno Christian elementary for two weeks by giving students a chance to earn money for their grade, Jan. 6-17.
The students in grade K-6th will be asking peers to donate to the school for classroom supplies and funds. This event is a fun way to get the kids excited to contribute to the school while also staying active.
The goal of the Apex Remix is to bring value to elementary schools across the nation by helping the students with their leadership skills, fitness program and encouraging kids to donate to the school.
Fresno Christian has partnered with Apex for 4 years. Last year elementary made 22,000 dollars towards the school, and the goal for this year is exceeding last years earnings. The Apex Remix event comes to a close on the day of the event coming up on, Jan. 17. Make sure to donate in time!
To learn more about last years Fun Run see the recap video: Apex Fun Run 2018
For more Feather photos, visit media, photos 2018-19.