Berean Christian School’s advanced choir, visits Fresno Christian to participate in a choral exchange with the FC Bellezza ensemble, Jan. 16.
The choir travels throughout California as a part of their annual Singers’ Tour, Jan. 16- 20.
Both choirs perform their favorite pieces in front of one another with FC Bellezza singing, ‘Still Here’ and ‘I’ll Fly Away’. The Berean choir performs ‘Fear of the Lord’ and invites the Bellezza ensemble to sing with them.
Choral exchanges allow different choirs to listen and learn from choirs other than their own.
High school choir director of five years, Susan Ainley, shares why choral exchanges are a necessary part of directing a choir.
“A choral exchange allows both choirs to hear other expressions of music and appreciate how other groups sing,” Ainley said. “We also make new friends and there is the possibility that we will see each other again at other choral functions. I think hearing Berean’s choir was encouraging to our ensemble because of their joyful attitude while singing.”
Alongside singing together, the groups ate a lunch of Casa Corona together in room 508.
FC Cantiamo and Bellezza will perform next in their annual Valentine’s Day concert “Fly me to the Moon” in the Student Ministries Center at 7 p.m., Feb. 9.
For more on the FC music department visit, Fall Choir Concert 2018.
For more Feather photos, visit media, photos 2018-19.