Junior Megan LeBlanc turns in her second semester CSF application to Kerry Roberts, Jan. 25. Be sure to turn in you application with $10 and a copy of your transcripts by the end of the day.
LeBlanc has been in CSF since her second semester of freshman year. Students are required to maintain certain grades which are reviewed from a point system and then must reapply and submit a new copy of their transcripts.
California Scholarship Federation (CSF), was founded by Mr. Charles F. Seymour at a convention of high school principals in Oakland in 1916. Later becoming vice-principal of National City High School in San Diego County, Seymour organized a scholarship society and led an active campaign to win support for his idea.
LeBlanc has enjoyed getting involved with all that CSF has to offer and plans on continuing it through her high school career.
“I love being apart of CSF because it gives me the opportunity to continue striving for high academics,” LeBlanc said. “CSF looks really good on your college applications if you are applying to California schools and it gives me the ability to get hours in volunteering at really cool places and events. I encourage everyone to join CSF if they are able to.”
According to csf-cjsf.org, CSF is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to recognize and encourage academic achievement and community service among middle and high school students in California.
To read more about CSF read CSF senior banquet or CSF Panda Express fundraiser.
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