Marjorie Von Euw visited her daughter?s home economics classes for the ninth and final time in order to pass her knowledge of piecrust perfection to a new generation of bakers on Nov. 6.
?Sharon (Scharf, home ec. teacher) thought it would be nice if we made it a traditional thing that I come to her classes,? Von Euw said, ?but, I?m 83 years old and slowing down. My daughter is having a video made of the demonstration so I don?t have to go to all the classes to bake on campus every year.?
Although Scharf knows her family?s piecrust recipe by heart, she still recruits her mom to demonstrate each year.
?One must realize,? Scharf said, ?that just because you have a teacher for a specific subject doesn?t mean that the teacher is going to be an expert in every area of that subject. The more people you get input from, the richer your life will be.?
For nearly three generations, Von Euw’s family tree passed down the piecrust recipe.
?My grandmother taught my mother and then my mother taught me,? Scharf said. ?I taught my younger daughter, but the older one doesn?t have the patience. Hopefully the younger one will teach it to her daughter.?
Von Euw claims that she did not learn the skill of baking until after she married.
?After my mother taught me I would make a pie almost every night,? Von Euw said. ?I would take one small slice for myself and my husband ate the rest.?
The piecrust demonstration served as a cooking experience and illustrated mother-daughter relationships.
?I hope that the mother-daughter relationship that was demonstrated to the students will have an impact as to how they relate to their mothers or fathers,? Scharf said.
One of Scharf?s goals in introducing her mother as a specialist in baking piecrust, is to help students realize that they can learn from people of any age group.
?Many of our senior citizens can make history come alive for them,” Scharf said, “because they lived it. We just need to give them the opportunity to share their gifts and talents with us.?
The class made the piecrust in groups of three to four people.
?Since I was in a group, making the piecrust was pretty easy,? Megan Ortiz, ?09, said. ?I don?t know how it would turn out if I tried it alone though. The hardest part wasn?t making the piecrust; it was placing the dough in the pan. ?
The home ec. classes not only created their own piecrusts from scratch but they also filled and baked their own pies as well. The class will next take on the task of creating a nine-foot burrito on Nov. 16.