Truth. Itís that ever elusive ideal that everyone seems to be searching for. In centuries past, philosophers and theologians have debated the nature of truth, questioning its immutability, manifestation and source.
Truth has always been something of a hot topic but, in recent years, much of the debate surrounding it has faded away in light of the latest trendy belief: relativism.
Many people today donít give truth a second thought. Simply put, itís all relative. Your truth, my truth and the bum on the cornerís truth: theyíre all equally valid. Why bother to debate the issues when weíre all right?
Some argue that this approach only serves to create utter chaos. After all, if weíre all equally right and correct, then is there a place left for right and wrong? How can you tell a teen that shoplifting was wrong if he believes that it was acceptable in his ìtruthî to do so?
On the other hand, many people find the idea of a single, absolute, overarching truth to be limiting. Does a personís religious beliefs give them the right to force beliefs, standards or values on others? In an age of self-esteem, the idea of telling someone that their beliefs, their religions, their truths are wrong seems, to many, abhorrent.
This critical debate between truth unchanging and truth evolving is a pressing and perplexing issue in the lives of many teens today, especially for seniors.
For those students who are about to embark on a life of their own, away from the influence of family and friends, the search for truth suddenly becomes very personal.
College life, and the challenges therein, can only be successfully navigated if a student is able to hold onto their standards or beliefs.
While students must not be afraid to encounter new, strange-seeming opinions, how can anyone expect to emerge from this stage of life successfully if they cannot even tell what they believe?
High school is an excellent age to begin a personal exploration of truth. In light of the independence in college to come, older students especially should devote time to defining their values, standards and/or beliefs.
Truth may not be as elusive as it first seemed if it is passionately sought after.