As technology develops, the demand for the newest gadget increases. The Apple empire seems to quench this thirst with computers, laptops and the increasingly popular iPod.
This hand-held device, which plays up to twenty thousand songs and videos with a simple downloading process, first came out in late 2001. It was an immediate success and now there are variations of color, style and size, with separate capabilities assured to the customer.
Apple unveiled their newest innovation, the iPhone, on Jan. 9. It will be on sale in June.
“I really want the iPhone,” Mitchell Callisch, ’09, said. “There are all kinds of cool features, and you can connect it to your computer. Mostly, though, I want it because it’s Apple.”
The iPhone is the newest phone, iPod, Internet connector, email tool and search engine, all packed into a device no bigger than the original iPod. Even television shows and movies can be downloaded to watch on the palm-sized screen. The design allows buyers to access everything they need to with the touch of a finger.
The gadget has one button; the rest of the features are controlled by the touch-screen.
“The iPhone will definitely continue to be updated,” Callisch said. “That’s why there is only one button, so you can update.”
At either $499 or even $599 for the model with more storage space, the iPhone’s price can be a deterent for those who desire the device, but do not have a large budget.
“I don’t really have the money for an iPhone,” Jason Savage, ’07, said. “It’s way too expensive. Besides, I already have an iPod.”
Once Apple announced the development of the iPhone, Cisco, a rivaling company, filed a lawsuit against Apple for using the name ‘iPhone’ without permission. Cisco also offers an iPhone with different capabilities, priced much lower and first offered in 2000.
“I think it’s stupid the way Cisco is suing Apple,” Chris Tharpe, ’08, said. “They are wasting time by taking it to court. They should just demand money and make Apple change the name.”
Though Cisco demands all marketing products incorporating the iPhone be destroyed, perspective buyers appear not to be disturbed by the tumult. While the temptation to replace an out-of-date iPod with the new, sleeker iPhone may be still surreal for most music and media lovers, technology advances have a way of making their way into the homes of American eventually.