Students, leaders share experiences from week at Sierra Nevada camp

Immersed in class bonding activities and wilderness trails for a week, the class of 2024 returns from Calvin Crest with an expanded knowledge of God and of the natural world, Sept. 9-13. From Crazy Hair Night to Loggers Jamboree, students participated in activities and challenges that spurred class unity.
FC eighth grade students have been venturing up to Calvin Crest in the Sierra Nevadas near Bass Lake for over 30 years. Under the leadership of teachers Hallie Rojeski and Terry Richards, the annual camp traditions and stories have endured.
With Richards out of school due to illness and Rojeski retiring at the end of the school year, the program looks to a new generation of teachers to continue the legacy left by both instructors.
Abiding by Calvin Crest’s mission to “make disciples of Jesus Christ, practice biblical hospitality, invite people to experience and know God’s creation and partner with peacemakers to bring health and wholeness”, students experience a week of activities intertwined with scripture and worship. As students participated in outdoor education, challenged each other in relay races and competed for a spot on the camp trophy, they learned the value of their words and actions.
Learns patience from students
Hallie Rojeski, US history and Bible teacher
September 18, 2019
“I have gained an appreciation for the value of outdoor education and for what is available for kids out there. I think it is exciting that so many public schools are doing it because what a wonderful opportunity for kids to get out of Fresno and be up in the mountains and learn all kinds of things that they might not have a chance to do. I have learned patience and to take myself less seriously at times. I knew they could do more than they think they can and to watch their excitement they get when they accomplish something. Watching them worship is really powerful.”

Deeper understanding of God and creation
Jenna Obwald, ‘24
September 17, 2019
“My favorite part of Calvin Crest was learning about nature and bonding with my cabin and cabin leader. I learned a lot more about nature which helped my deeper understanding of God’s love for us and his creation.
I appreciated how honest they were and it really helps us connect with them and learn more and get a deeper understanding of what they were saying. I think bonding with the kids in my classes was important because it will help with our friendship throughout the year and really bond our class together for years to come.”
Bonded with students, cabin leaders
Lindsay Weimer, ‘20
Sept. 15, 2019
“My first and last year being a counselor at Calvin Crest was a memorable and fun experience. I honestly didn’t know what to be expecting going into the week and I was a little nervous. As the week went on I got to know the girls in my cabin better and was able to pour into them just like my cabin leader from eighth grade do for me. Along with bonding with this year’s eighth grade class, I got closer with my fellow cabin leaders and a lot of new memories were made. Going on hikes and learning new things alongside the kids was awesome! This opportunity was awesome and I’m so glad that I was able to go and be an influence in the campers lives!”
Values class bonding experience
Tatum Auwae, ‘24
Sept. 21, 2019
“The best part of Calvin Crest was quiz night and all of the dancing. One of the things I learned was probably team work and working together. What I appreciated about the speakers is the topics they spoke about every night. I think class bonding is important because it creates unity with the students and teaches them how to work together.”
Encourages next class to enjoy themselves
Andres Fierro, ‘24
Sept. 19, 2019
“My favorite part of the Calvin Crest trip were the activities because they were fun and I enjoyed doing them with my friends. I am going to remember the last chapel the most from the trip. I would tell the next class to have fun and try to enjoy themselves, it is actually better than you might think.”
In the following podcast, Andrew Rieker interviewed Rojeski about her experiences at Calvin Crest.
Grew close to cabin group, eighth grade class
Kayla Vanderlinden, ‘20
Sept. 15, 2019
“This was also my first year as a Calvin Crest counselor. I was super excited to be a leader and role model for the girls in my cabin, and it turned out to be one for the books. I had a lot of new people in my cabin so it was fun to see them grow and make friends as the week went on. I laughed a lot, and grew close to not only the girls in my cabin, but also to that whole eighth grade class. It was amazing to see their fun spirits as we went on the hikes, and even them cheering on us counselors during skit night. I loved the opportunity I had this past week, and I am sad I will not be able to do it again next year, but it is a great program, and I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

Appreciated chapel discussions
Chris Mericle, ‘24
Sept. 17, 2019
“My favorite part of Calvin Crest was thanking Mrs. Rojeski for being a great teacher to everyone. Also, I liked our gender separate chapels, where we talked about staying sexually pure to God. I learned that the Miwok Indians used to live up in Oakhurst by Calvin Crest, and that their main meat source for food was dear.
I appreciated that all of the speakers preached the truth of God and talked about topics that all the students can relate to. I think that class bonding is important because nobody can do anything without someone to help them out. Also through Calvin Crest I got to make new friends that I didn’t know would be my friends.”
Related to evening discussions
Braelyn Riffel, ‘24
Sept. 20, 2019
“My favorite part of Calvin Crest was the skit night and game show night. I thought it was really cool how the speakers used examples when they were speaking. It made the talks more relatable. I’m glad we were able to go up to camp because we learned more about each other and it’s super fun to bond with each other in a different environment.”
Grateful for final camp experience
Deborah Ingerson, ‘20
Sept. 15, 2019
“This was my second year being a Calvin Crest counselor. I remember how much fun it was the first year so, I wasn’t as nervous this year. My favorite part is being able to shine Christ’s light to the eighth grade girls. I loved seeing the girls get closer and open up to not only me, but also to the other girls.
From the educating hikes to the night time talks with my girls, it was an amazing week. Although it was quite tiring, I still had the time of my life reaching out to the eighth grade girls. Everyone’s favorite night was Quiz Show Night. This was the last night and it allowed everyone to have fun dancing, cheering, and being competitive. I’m glad I was able to be a counselor for two years and I’m very grateful that I could spend this last year with Mrs. Rojeski and last year with Mr. Richards last year.”
Felt unity within the class
Sanjay Stephen
Sept. 22, 2019
“My favorite part of the trip were the chapels after dinner because we learned a lot about God and the speakers were very good. The messages were very inspirational and I learned that we have to stay pure to God until marriage because that’s what he wants us to do. I also learned about God’s nature and all the things he has created.
We all got to know each other and became more united as a class through this experience. It is important because we got to know more about each other and if anyone is ever having a hard day we can come together and talk and be there for each other. It is important so that everyone has a friend and someone they can be close with.”

Looks forward to next year
Hannah Villines, ‘21
Sept. 16, 2019
“This was my first year being a Calvin Crest counselor. The experience was completely different than what I was expecting, but in the best way possible. I was a little nervous that I was not going to be able to answer all of the questions that the girls in my cabin would have but leading up to camp I prayed that God would speak through me, and he definitely did.
Everybody had a blast on the last night which was crazy hair night and the quiz/dance show. Not meaning to brag or anything but my cabin won… no big deal. I’m so glad that I was able to have the opportunity to grow and bond with my fellow counselors and with all six of the girls in my cabin. I hope to be able to get the chance to go again next year!”
Impacted others through actions, words
Paige Deffenbacher, ‘24
Sept. 17, 2019
“My favorite parts of camp were worshiping together and quiz night; the dance parties were awesome! Even if we are in a season of peace, there is someone that you can impact by the way you talk to them, act around them, and love them. I think class bonding is important because if we don’t bond, we’re just a group of kids. When we are actually friends and enjoy being together, we can change the dynamics of our school.”
Observed new side of teachers, leaders
Caleb Mynderup, ‘24
Sept. 20, 2019
“My favorite part of camp was skit night and getting to dress up our leaders during creative creatures night. I loved hearing the testimonies of the speakers because I had never heard them before. It was cool to see another side of our teachers. I think class bonding is important because we grow closer as a class. To next year’s campers, have fun and get creative!”

Witnessed growth in students
Blake Deffenbacher, ‘20
Sept. 16, 2019
“Having gone to Calvin Crest as an eighth grader, I was thrilled for the opportunity to be able to return as a counselor, especially considering that it’s my senior year. Going into the week, I had an expectation that I would have a great time, but that the discipline and management of a cabin would restrain me from fully enjoying my time there.
However, this wasn’t the case at all because of the great students that I got to spend time with. It was an incredible experience being able to pour out into these kids and see them mature and grow closer to one another in just one short week. I hardly knew this eighth grade class going into the week, but now, I’m happy to say that these kids are some of my favorite people to spend time with.
I’m thankful for this opportunity I was given to step up and lead this group, and I hope that the connections and friendships I made at camp will last longer than just the week up there.”
Enjoyed speakers’ practical examples
Gabby Hutcheson, ‘24
Sept. 19, 2019
“My favorite part of Calvin Crest was hanging out with my friends and getting to know my cabin counselor. I liked listening to the speaker and I loved it when they gave us practical examples of how to live it out. I learned a lot about being pure and the importance of purity in our every day lives. I think that class bonding experiences are so important because you get closer as a class.”
Managed more students, grew from experience
Andrew Rieker, ‘21
Sept. 19, 2019
“This was my second year going to Calvin Crest as a counselor and this was my third year going to Calvin Crest for eighth grade camp. Going into it I was surprisingly calm. I would not know the campers bestowed upon me for that week until getting up to the camp. Being my second year as a counselor I had a few experiences under my belt, I still felt slightly nervous, unsure if what I would see this year.
My cabin last year was a group of five boys. They were absolutely no problem and my cabin had a great time. I knew that my cabin size would increase this year from five to seven and I was not sure what to expect. However, like last year, these boys were as good as the previous year and we got along great. One of the things I learned this year that I felt was different from the previous year was how to manage more students.“
For another Join the Discussion, read Join the Discussion: 95th Annual CSPA Spring Convention. For another article, read Karoline Sandberg pursues music, adjusts to US.
Ashlee • Sep 27, 2019 at 10:08 am
Loved Calvin Crest and so happy that Maddy could experience it too!!!
Ava Flores • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:26 pm
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was all the time we had to bond as a class, it was such a beautiful experience for me to get closer with my friends in my cabin and my cabin leader. Another favorite time of mine was free time, I was so excited when I found out that there was a rock wall and a zip line that I completed all four rock walls in a day and went on the zip line 20 times! Yep, I could most definitely agree that this was the most fun I had had in a long time! I also loved the chapel! Singing worship songs and songs in general just make me so happy. I loved the speeches as well, I don’t have a favorite because I loved them all! Also, I had a TON of fun on the back deck playing fuse ball. My friends and I got so excited when either person would get a point or win. And finally, I LOVED the classes! I had so much fun finding my way, building shelters, learning about the different types of trees, learning about the culture of the Mi wok and identifying animal tracks and identifying different types of rocks. I would most definitely say that that trip was a total 10/10!
Grenelei Finderup • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:24 pm
I am so grateful to have gotten to go to Calvin Crest. One of my favorite parts was free time. I loved free time because there was something for everyone. The free time activities include gaga ball, volleyball, ziplining, rock climbing, and archery. If you wanted you could even play cards with Mr. Martin and socialize. I was able to bond with all the eighth graders through free time, too. Thank you for writing that amazing article Addison Schults.
Cal Backowski • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:23 pm
My favorite part about Calvin Crest was the game show. On the Thursday night me an my cabin mates walked in the dinning hall. We all took a seat and the camp director explained what was happening. The first wheel spun and we were all eager to see what it landed on. We then wrote down the answer. In between spins we were instructed to dance to the music. After many spins answering and dancing. We were instructed to go to chapel, were the winning cabin would be announced. We all sped walk toward the Mountain view lodge, the chapel. The eight grade class sat down and listened closely. When of the staff, Ed announced the winning team. ” The winning team, Columbine.” Ed shouted. Columbine stood proudly, but little did they know. They would wash that nights dishes.
Sanjay Stephen • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:21 pm
Calvin Crest was very good for our class. we all bonded and came together as an 8th grade class. We participated in activities and classes that brought us together. Calvin Crest was fun as much as it was beneficial for us to learn about Gods nature. Calvin Crest was very fun!
Tatum Auwae • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:21 pm
My favorite part about Calvin Crest was making a closer bond to the people in my cabin. Out of all the nights we had together, mine would be the last night. My cabin and I all did face masks and stayed up just talking. I really opened up to my cabin that night and got to learn more about my friends too. I am very grateful that i had the opportunity to make a closer bond and get to know the girls in my cabin.
Hopkins,Kemya • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:15 pm
During the time I was at Calvin Crest I had a blast with my cabin. I thought that the cabin wasn’t going to have a strong bond but we ended up having a bond like no other. We had nightly talks about the devotions even though we got a little distracted at times. My cabin leader Hannah was a great cabin leader she’s definitely made our cabin bond stronger and more fun. The girls in my cabin inclouding myself were all shy at first but as camp progressed we all came out of our comfort zones and started to grow especially when we won the game night. All in all, the camp was amazing but I will never forget the bond me and my cabin have shared.
Kaleb Marquez • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:12 pm
My favorite moment of Calvin Crest by far had to be the initiatives. The activities we did during them were really fun and I enjoyed them a lot. During them I could tell we slowly got to know each other a little bit more and grow closer to each other. While the initiatives were fun they also emphasized teamwork as we had to work together to figure out ways to solve the problem we were faced with. All in all it was a great experience that has become one of my many fond memories of Calvin Crest.
Tryphena Gunawan • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:10 pm
Calvin Crest was such an amazing experience. It was really nice to get to grow closer to those we didn’t usually talk to and I got to know more about my friends. One of my favorite memories would have to be Tuesday’s devotion time in our cabin after chapel. My cabin mates and I, along with our counselor, Hannah, got to discuss the message shared at chapel. We also got to share prayer requests with each other. Getting to pray with my friends and for them was definitely an experience that brought us closer together. Overall, the time spent at Calvin Crest was a week we will never forget.
Haylie Mitchener • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:08 pm
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was the trails. I got to learn about Gods creation while bonding with my classmates. My personal favorite trail was the Rock my World trail. I got to learn a lot about God while bonding with my trail group. The trail is beautiful and it’s a wonderful way to get closer with your friends. Overall, it was a great experience, and I’m hoping the tradition continues for years to come.
chris • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:06 pm
Going into eighth grade I was really looking forward to Calvin Crest and when I finally arrived there, I was exhausted but thrilled. This was my third time going to camp and I am proud to say that out of my other experiences, this is by far the best. I am so grateful to be put into the Black Oak cabin and have Andrew Rieker as my cabin leader. Besides everything else, my favorite part about Calvin Crest was joining the raccoon class and winning the Calvin Crest trophy with the rest of my friends. I am looking forward for the upcoming eighth graders to go to Calvin Crest, they’ll have a blast.
Celeste Chavez :) • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:03 pm
Calvin Crest, man was that an experience. My favorite part was probably growing spiritually during the testimonies the teachers shared with us. I loved getting to make new friends too! I think at Calvin Crest I really opened up and got to make lots of new friends that I’m extremely grateful for. Also, my trail group was so funny (The Raccoons ).
Audrey Walstad • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:03 pm
My favorite thing at Clavin Crest was the free time. I went on boats with close friends. There were too many of us so we had to go to two different boats. We raced, ate blackberries, and splashed water at each other. We were also able to go Rockwall climbing. I went with my best friend, Emily. It was very funny because halfway up she got really scared. When we were done I thought she would want to go do something else but she wanted to try a harder one. I made many friendships while there.
Benjamin Karlson • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:03 pm
Since I am new to this school and only knew a handful of people. Because of this, I got to learn a lot of names. It was a great experience because I’ve been to a lot of outdoor schools and camps that were nice and I didn’t enjoy them. Even though this wasn’t as nice as the other ones, I had a lot more enjoyable time because of the great people I was surrounded by including my counselor Blake Deffanbaker, and my cabin mates, Blake, Diego, Cole, Jake, and Luke. I also got to see someone who I worked with down in Mexico on a missions trip. I loved that because I hadn’t seen him in two years.
Jaxtyn Frost • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:02 pm
My favorite part of Calvin crest was the skit night. When all of the 8th graders met in the cafateria to performe there skits infront of the whole 8th grades class. All of the skits were funny everybody was laughing so hard. When it was Black Oaks turn to performe there skit which was the invisble bench. It was a mess but funny at the same time. The counselors skit was by far the funniest and the best one.But overall all of the skits were really good and everybody had a great time.The whole trip was fun.
Meilani Gilmore • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:02 pm
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was bonding with the girls in my cabin and my cabin leader. In our cabin we talked, laughed, and cried. I got to know some girls that I didn’t know that well before. Every night after chapel we sat in our cabin and talked about the message from that night. We got to know each others struggles and joys. I also got closer to my amazing cabin leader. She helped us understand the message in our cabin talks, she also prayed for us if we needed it. I am so glad that I got to grow closer to God and my friends, new ones and old ones.
Gabby Hutcheson • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:01 pm
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was chapel every night. After dinner we would go to the chapel and sing about black oaks, scat, and dirt. Our class got very into these songs. Singing these songs with my close friends and even not as close friends was a huge bonding moment for me. We would also sing worship and it was amazing. Being able to worship with my fellow classmates was incredible and i’m thankful that i was given that chance to do so. These memories will last forever.
Mia Alberta • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:00 pm
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was skit night. My cabin had a lot of fun making the skit and practicing it. We were the first ones to perform our skit so I think that added an extra rush of adrenaline and we just had fun up there doing it. Everyone was having a great time and just enjoying what our classmates were doing. Shoutout to all of the counselors because their skit was the best and it was super funny.
Maddie Gallegos • Sep 25, 2019 at 12:00 pm
My favorite part of Calvin Crest is getting a lot closer with my friends. It was so much fun to stay up late and talk about anything and everything. I’ve never laughed so much in my life, and I’m so glad I got the opportunity to go. I loved dancing around during game night. It was such a cool atmosphere to be in. It was really nice that we could leave every problem and worry back home and have an amazing week. I’m forever grateful for that week.
Jenna Obwald • Sep 25, 2019 at 11:59 am
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was the quiz show night. It was so much fun working together as a cabin trying to remember what we had learned in our classes. For one of the challenges I had to run outside into the dark with a flashlight and find something that wasn’t alive, it was stressful because I didn’t want my team to lose points. After we answered a question they would play music and everyone would stand up and start dancing. It was so much fun because nobody cared and everyone was just having fun. I will never forget how much fun I had that night, and I’m so thankful for the experience.
Mallory Loeffler • Sep 25, 2019 at 11:58 am
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was getting to gain stronger friendships and bonds with the people in my cabin. Even though some of the people in my cabin were already my best friends, I even became closer with them. We bonded over our issues and over our similar interests. One night we stayed up and just talked. Another one of the nights we stayed up playing Mafia. We killed Meilani every time. On the last night we bonded over crying and sharing our inmost thoughts. and over this I even bonded with some girls I didn’t know very well. I loved making new friendships I never expected to happen.
Paige Deffenbacher • Sep 25, 2019 at 11:57 am
One of my very favorite parts of Calvin Crest was skit night. It was so fun seeing each cabin anxiously step on-stage and perform for the group. Each skit was unique and hilarious in their own way, and they helped me get to know my class better. I got to see a side to some of them that I hadn’t seen before. My cabin’s skit was called “Chaos in the Court,” and it was about a ridiculous court case that was not logical at all! It was definitely a bonding experience to create and perform the play with my cabin. We had to work together to pick a theme and roles, and we had to be honest and share what we thought could be improved. My personal favorite skit was the Cabin Leader play! The boy counselors wore scrunchies and performed what they assumed girls talked about in their cabins, and the girls did the opposite. By the end, everyone was laughing so hard that their stomachs hurt!
Colby Poplin • Sep 25, 2019 at 11:56 am
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was probably the quiz night. Quiz night was pretty much a really fun way of sharing what we learned from all of the classes that we went to. They would give us a sheet with questions, and they would give you a certain amount of points for each question that you got right. My cabin came in second place, which I was pretty happy because the people who got first place had to do a whole bunch of dishes. Overall, Calvin Crest was really fun and I had a lot of fun with all of my friends.
Jana Williams • Sep 25, 2019 at 11:56 am
My favorite part of being at Calvin Crest was being able to grow a close bond with my camp counselor Lindsay Weimer and being in a trail group with Tatum Auwae, Miracle Neal, Serenity Cortez, Savannah Cisneros, Jonah Urroz, Jacob Thomas, Andres Fierro, and Kaiden Garcia. Me and Lindsay bonded the most on the last night of camp after chapel in our cabins as we talked about some things in our life that are very similar and she gave me amazing advice as how to handle certain situations. In my trail group my favorite memory were when we were on the compass trail and I was walking next to Jonah Urroz when he breaks a log in half as he’s walking, he then falls and the other half of the log hits me. Calvin Crest overall was an amazing experience for me and it made me realize how much I should cherish the people I have in my life for as long as I can and that I need to grow in a closer relationship with the Lord and also how much worship is a big thing to me.
McKenzie Sue • Sep 25, 2019 at 11:55 am
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was Quiz night. It was so much fun! We were all dancing and laughing to the music during the breaks in between the questions. It didn’t feel like a test at all, it was a really fun night. While my cabin may not have won, the memories we made together were priceless!
Pareesa Kashefi • Sep 25, 2019 at 11:55 am
I did not attend the Fresno Christian Calvin Crest trip but I would have really enjoyed it. I have been to Calvin Crest before so I do have a general idea of what it is like there, but it would not compare to being there with my classmates. I have heard all the fun stories and comments on what happened up there and I truly wish I could have been a part of that. The looks on my friends faces when they talk about it tells me how life-changing it really is up there. the worship, speeches, and nature combined makes for a perfect environment to get closer to God and cement relationships with your friends.
Faith Degroot • Sep 25, 2019 at 11:53 am
Calvin crest was such a great experience. I learned so much that week about nature and God’s creation. My favorite part about Calvin crest was chapels, the speakers gave such good stories that I could relate to. The last chapel we had was very emotional. As Brent Deffenbacher spoke to us about purity, everyone was touched by his amazing message. Hanging out with all of my friends was pretty cool too. During freetime we played beach volleyball against other classmates, it was pretty fun.
Cole Blanchfield • Sep 25, 2019 at 9:29 am
My teacher made me comment about my favorite part of Calvin Crest on this article so here’s me trying to do this.I was very happy to have been at Calvin Crest and frankly very lucky there were a lot of things that happened and I would like to share with you the reader my favorite part about this exiting experience.ok it was actually not one part but several. Let me share with you the three things I loved doing with my friends.My first favorite part was probably boating with my two friend’s who I will not name.My second favorite part was living with people I only said like two words too because we ended up getting to know each other better.Now my last favorite part was doing a skit for the sake of time I am going to end this comment early.
Savannah Cisneros • Sep 25, 2019 at 9:19 am
My favorite part of Calvin crest was my cabin. My cabin was me, Mericle, Serenity, Kemya, Tryphena, and Tatum and our cabin leader was Hannah. On the last night we stayed up and did faces masks. It was so fun. Even though we talked before camp we weren’t that close but ever since Calvin Crest I feel I like we are much closer. I also got to know my cabin leader more. I’m very glad I got to have them in my cabin. It was so much fun.
Shaniya Fleming • Sep 25, 2019 at 9:01 am
When I was Calvin Crest I had a great experience there to be with the 8th graders and bonding with them. The best part about Calvin Crest was the survival trail because we made a wood shelter and made a fire by using pine needles and tender wood.
Justus Rocha • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:59 am
I loved my time at Calvin Crest because of all the fun we had and all the moments we all shared. I had a lot of fun with my cabin( the cabin of Aspen) from the early morning, to the late nights staying up. It was also really fun to do all the activities at Free Time like Archery, Gaga ball, ziplining, rock wall, and to play sports like Basketball, or Volleyball. And all the classes there were really fun and taught us a lot of history, survival skills, and just about the outdoors in general. In all our time at Calvin Crest was super fun and I loved being there.
Ruby Baker • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:58 am
My favorite part about Calvin Crest was the chapel that they had every night. This was where the staff of Calvin Crest sang goofy camp songs, but it was also the place where we sang worship songs and heard the testimonies of some of our middle school teachers. I especially liked Mrs. Rojeski’s speech. She talked about how if we say mean things to someone that words can hurt a lot and that, that mean word or comment will leave a mark, and she reminded us that we should always be kind to each other. I think this very important for us middle schoolers to be kind to each other so that we can all grow closer as a class.
Miracle Neal • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:57 am
When I first arrived at Calvin Crest, I thought I wasn’t going to enjoy myself as much as I did. My favorite part of Calvin Crest was having a nightly talk with my cabin. During this time we talked about our personal things that we don’t talk about with others. Doing this every night brought us together as friends. It’s been two weeks since Calvin Crest and the girls in my cabin are still getting closer. Each of us feel like we can confide in each other and talk to each other about anything. I have 6 girls I can call when I’m in need of prayer and need someone to talk to. Calvin Crest is one of the best experiences I have had in my life.
Reese Penberthy • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:57 am
Calvin Crest was an amazing experience to bond with our classmates. My favorite memory that I had was the Game Show. On Thursday September 12th we all gathered in the cafeteria and sat at our tables waiting for the game show to start. As we were waiting they turned on music and everybody stood up and had a dance party. Every time somebody answered a question correctly their team would get points. The team of Columbine ended up winning. This was a lot of fun.
Michael Herrera • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:55 am
I didn’t go to Calvin Crest, but from everything I’ve heard it certainly seems like a trip to remember. From the worship chapels to the creative creatures night it definitely would’ve been something I would enjoy, along with being out in the mountains, the wind in your face, and the Joy of God in your soul likely would have made the experience a thousand times better. The news about Mrs. Rojeski retiring is devastating to hear and she will be dearly missed.
Blake Bridges • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:54 am
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was going to the last chapel there on Thursday night. It taught us to be sexually pure to our bodies until we get married. After the speech, the teachers handed us a commitment to make our bodies pure then we threw it in a fire. When they handed out the half dollars to us and told us the story about how we got them it was very emotional to me and I think other people can agree with me. So that was one of my favorite things that happened in Calvin Crest that week
Serenity Cortez • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:44 am
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was getting closer with all my classmate. We all let loose and had a great time, so it was nice getting to know a different side of people. It was fun getting to know people who I usually just pasted by in the hallways. Being away from reality for a full week and just having fun in the outdoors was such an amazing experience.
Jacob Thomas • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:43 am
Calvin Crest was a really fun experience for all the 8th graders. From going to our cabins for the first time on Monday to the Quiz show on Thursday night was amazing. We did all kinds of different classes that taught us all different kinds of survival tips we would need if we got lost and we also learned how Indians survived back then. My favorite part of Calvin Crest by far was the survival class because we got to learn how to make a shelter out of wood and light fires. Calvin Crest was an overall great experience and I hope next the new 8th graders next year will have fun out there!
Ciara Obeso • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:43 am
” One of my Favorite parts at Calvin Crest this year was the last Chapel. I was pretty sad that I won’t be able to sing Black Oak and Dirt made my lunch anymore. But I was glad that I became closer to God up there and really understood what it means to have purity. The last Chapel was my favorite because we had a talk about purity and I loved how Paige’s dad brought the sermon. we got the ‘famous’ coin everyone talked about. Ever since the 7th grade, I had been waiting for this moment to happen, but I was pretty sad because Mr.Richards wouldnt be there to give us the coin and talk to us about it with us. Even though he wasnt there we had Mrs.Rojeskie and I really liked how she explained to us what the coin meant and am super sad this is her last year, but I was glad she went to Calvin Crest with us.”
Luke Portale • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:40 am
Calvin Crest was a cool trip to go on. It was a great learning environment to be surrounded by. But what made it better was being able to hang out with my friends. The skit night was nice and the quiz night was epic. Playing beach volleyball against the other students was great.
Rachel Martin • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:39 am
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was getting to develop closer relationships with people and God. My cabin leader was Lindsey Weimer and I really loved getting to connect with her, she was very nice and a great leader. Also, getting to know people better then I did before. The assigned groups for meals did not sound like a good idea before I went but, I enjoyed talking to some people that I never really talked to before. The staff members were really fun and easy to talk to, they made the experience better than I expected.
Caleb Mynderup • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:39 am
My favorite part at Calvin Crest was trivia night. My cabin had a ton of fun getting up and dancing to the music they played during the activities. One of the activities had you collect an item that fit the description of what someone would tell you, it was really funny watching two people race to find it. Part of the trivia was that your cabin had to answer questions on a sheet of paper for the judges to grade. At that part, everybody’s cabin was screaming at the person who was writing it down so they could finish their paper the fastest.
Sky yang • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:38 am
Calvin Crest was a great experience, to be real it was much better than what I expected it to be. When I first arrived to Calvin Crest, I thought it looked ugly and the counselors were nasty and cruel and there was poop everywhere?. But after the first day there, everything changed and I was up to a new experience. I figured that even though the camp seems to look ugly, but if you looked close enough you would be surprised that it is full of little surprises. The counselors turned out to be really nice, and they really made us feel like home. So yeah sometimes you just can’t judge a book by it’s cover.
Tessa Schultz • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:38 am
One of my favorite parts of Calvin Crest was Mr. Martin’s testimony talk on Tuesday evening. It was super inspiring to hear about the struggles he went through and how easy it is to stray away from God. I think we all sometimes want to blame God for rough things going on in our lives and ask him why he is doing these things to us. I feel like when we look at our teachers, all we see are these perfect Christians but when you dig deeper, you realize they are just like everyone else. They have issues they are going through and they want to blame God. After this talk, I feel like everyone grew closer with Mr. Martin.
Braelyn Riffel • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:38 am
There were so many amazing things that happened at Calvin Crest. One of my favorite parts was chapel and Mr. Martin’s testimony. He explained that he had cancer when he was 16 and how he kept blaming God for it. He then told us that one of his closest friends talked to him and had a super meaningful conversation with him and talked him through it. Then later he was cancer free. I also just loved talking to Mr. Martin on the deck and playing cards with him and my friends. I grew closer to my friends, the teachers that came, my cabin leader, and some people that I never really have talked to. It was a great bonding experience and I had so much fun with everyone.
Kaiden Garcia • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:36 am
Coming to Calvin Crest I didn’t think I was gonna like it, but after going and spending the week there I had a blast. My favorite part of the week was the quiz show in the dining hall. It was super fun when everyone got up to dance when they began playing a song while the wheel spun. Everyone was doing crazy dances, not caring what others thought of them at the moment, it was a great time there where everyone could party and hang out. Calvin Crest was an unforgettable experience and I am glad to have experienced it with friends.
Madison Bridges • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:35 am
My favorite part up in Calvin Crest was getting to know the people in my Cabin. It was rough around the edges but my cabin group was still a lot of fun. I thought it was so fun and interesting when we got to go on trails and doing a lot of hiking. I learned so much more about the nature all around us and the woods. I think it is important to learn more about what God created because we are around it all the time. It was so much fun up in camp, I didn’t want to leave to go back home.
Andres fierro • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:35 am
My favorite part about Calvin Crest was the classes. The classes were great because you got to have hands-on activities and still learn about what the class was about. The classes taught teamwork and other subjects like rocks and trees. The classes were long but they were manageable. The classes had good consistency by learning then having an activity and a little trail to walk. These classes were very fun and in the end, we got to learn and have new experiences at Calvin Crest.
Braden Karr • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:33 am
Class of 2024
My favorite part about Calvin Crest was quiz show night. The Calvin Crest staff would spin the wheel and play music until the wheel landed on something. Then they would draw a ping pong ball from a bucket. The ping pong ball had a cabin name on each of them. My cabin was Black Oak. My cabin ended up getting second. But I was pretty happy about that because the first place team had to wash all of the dishes for that night. Overall it was a pretty fun night.
Jake Wyatt • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:32 am
My favorite part of Calvin Crest was the skit night. My cabin and cabin leader, Blake Deffenbacher, worked really hard during our free time, memorizing lines and acting out the skit. When the night of the skit came, unfortunately. Diego Vigil got dehydrated and had to sit out of the skit. So I had to play two parts. Our skit was called Calvin Crest’s got talent. Blake Bridges, Cole Blanchfield, and Luke Portale were the judges. Ben Karlson was the comedian, and I was the magician and I took Diego’s place as the dancer. It was a very funny and successful skit, and I really enjoyed my time hanging out with these guys.
Emily Hales • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:29 am
My favorite part about our Calvin Crest trip was the crazy hair night. Everyone got to put weird things in their hair and colored hair spray with glitter. It was an awesome night, and we had dinner with our crazy hair and had a fun gameshow night about what we learned that week. Everyones hair looked really good and very creative.
Brooke Stobbe • Sep 23, 2019 at 9:22 am
I was a counselor at Calvin Crest with FCS for 2 years, and was a camper in 8th grade. It’s a great opportunity to connect younger with older students, but also with classmates. After my first year at Calvin Crest, I had bonded with my classmates as a new student, but also entered high school already knowing some of the older students (some of whom I’m still friends with). As a high school counselor, we bonded every morning with our own devotional before the 8th graders woke up, and returned the second year all together, close and prepared to lead the young students. It’s an awesome program. Connecting with nature, learning survival skills, making friends, and bringing God back to the center of it all.
Micah Sue • Sep 20, 2019 at 12:41 pm
Calvin Crest is an awesome tradition.
Derek DeGroot • Sep 20, 2019 at 10:22 am
That’s awesome! What a great experience.
Trent Wilson • Sep 20, 2019 at 10:04 am
Really cool! Looks fun
natalie a nichols • Sep 20, 2019 at 8:18 am
Great article! I’ve never been to Calvin Crest, but it sounds like a blast!
deborah • Sep 20, 2019 at 8:10 am
I loved being at Calvin Crest as a leader. Great article , Addie!! She portrayed Calvin Crest really well.