Despite a score ten points higher than their previous performance, color guard placed seventh out of the eight groups in their division at Clovis East High on Feb. 9.
Sanger High School placed first overall, followed by Exeter and Clovis East.
Although seventh place seems discouraging, color guard remains determined to reach their goals starting with more practice.
?We are still learning team work and unity,? Breanne Gandolfo, ?07, said. ?If we are going to place higher in the future, we need more gym time to practice and prepare.?
The guard members appear content with their scores, because of their last minute preparation.
?We were still learning new moves the day of the competition,? Catie Walker, ?07, said. ?All things considering, we did well and I know we could have done even better if we had more time to finalize the routine.?
The group earned a total of 53.6 points scoring 20 points below sixth place. The girls gave a consistent performance without major mistakes.
?Most of the girls in the color guard are inexperienced and with time I believe we will show dramatic improvement,? coach Chris Rice said. ?I’m optimistic for the future.?
The color guard?s next competition will be held at Clovis West High from 12:45-3 P.M, on March 30.
?I love color guard, but it?s challenging,? Jackie Cowin, ?10, said. ?The seniors have been teaching us the basics and their patience and commitment is incredible. I am glad I have them to encourage me during this difficult stage.?
For more information regarding color guard’s previous competition check out Claire Kister’s Feb. 9, 2007, article, Color guard adjusts competition technique.