Power in your pocket discussion during Roger Tatarian Symposium

While most carry multiple sources of media in their pockets, news is transitioning into a movement across the web through the use of smartphones. A professional panel of journalists will gather at Fresno State to discuss the Power of Online Journalism in the 12th Roger Tatarian Symposium, Feb. 26.
Co-sponsored by the Institute for Media & Public Trust, the College of Arts and Humanities and Media Communications & Journalism Department, the program will last from 5-7 p.m. Located in the Peters Business Room 191, admission is free and refreshments will be provided.
Tatarian Journalism Chair at Fresno State, Timothy Drachlis, organizes the event. Drachlis hopes the event inspires attendants to pay more attention to news delivered online.
“Online journalism is the newest platform by which journalists can deliver the news,” Drachlis said. “It presents increased opportunities. We can present complicated data sets or animated graphics to tell stories.”
The panel of experts includes John Chase, Devin Katayama, Larry Phillips, and Denise Zapata. Chase is the Director of Investigations at the Better Government Association. Katayama is a Reporter and Podcast Host at KQED. Phillips is the Managing Editor at Richland Source. Zapata is the Senior Editor at EdSource.
“The four speakers have been chosen because each represents a different segment of the online journalism world,” Drachlis said. “You will hear from a podcaster, an investigative journalist, a magazine journalist and a community journalist. Each present the news in a unique way and interact with the audience uniquely. I hope that the event inspires audience members to think about increased ways to interact with journalists.”
The media experts plan to discuss the question, “Can online journalism save local news?” The switch of news from print to online, creates a situation where one can hold news right in the palm of their hand.
The Fresno area community is welcome to attend the Roger Tartarian Symposium on the Power of Online Journalism as tweeted by Tim Drachlis, professor at Fresno State University.
Join @FSMCJDept and @institute_trust on Wednesday (that’s tomorrow!) to discuss the power of online journalism and what role it could play in saving local news. The event begins at 5 p.m. in Peters 191. Admission is free, and refreshments will be served.#localnews #Fresno pic.twitter.com/Njj50FAzhD
— Tim Drachlis (@TimDrachlis) February 25, 2020
Executive Director of the Institute for Media & Public Trust, CSU, Fresno, Jim Boren, shares what he expects from the event. Boren believes online journalism creates ways for people to dive deeper into stories.
“We are going to have a general discussion of online journalism in the 21st century,” Boren said. “Online journalism creates a way for someone to get deep into an issue or just read the basic story. There are more options, making it powerful. My Fresno State students and I talk about how to extend the reach of stories through digital and social things. It’s really important to use all the tools online offers you.”
Panelist Zapata previously worked on a project for The Center for Investigative Reporting that won a George Polk Award and one being a Pulitzer Prize finalist. Another panelist, aside from covering for KQED, Katayama has worked as a radio station producer and received awards from the Associated Press and the Society of Professional Journalists.

Joe Kieta, Executive editor of The Fresno Bee, shares how the local paper has adapted through the change in digitalization. He includes how The Bee hopes to reach its audience.
“Online journalism is important because that is where the audience has gone,” Kieta said. “Social media has been a huge factor on how news travels. What we’ve had to do is adapt and make sure we’re on those social media platforms as well to bring the audience back to our news.”
The event is open to the Fresno area community, informing about the importance of local online journalism and the changes that are already in motion. Parking is $5 located in lot P6, admission is free, and refreshments will be provided. Located in the Peters Business Room 191, 5-7 p.m.
For those interested in the previous Roger Tatarian Symposium, read Journalists share strategies for combating fake news.
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Angela Monroy • Mar 3, 2020 at 11:33 am
I am very grateful and proud of Morgan Parker and the Feather. They are writing interesting articles and informing many students, their family’s and to the world on their expertise in journalism skills. May GOD continue to lead The Students in the Feather to show HIS LIGHT in this dark world!!