Dear editor:
I agree with Will Hierholzerís (Feb. 28) article ìTeachers are parents too.î I have a firsthand experience with this as my dad, Scott Callisch, currently teaches on campus.
Having a parent as a teacher isnít all that bad, but seeing as I have had a parent teaching at my school all my life, I canít say that I know any different. Theyíre always there and itís nice to have a relationship with a teacher other than, well a teacher.
Unlike other teacherís kids, I spend my dadís PE classes playing games and other fun activities. He is pretty much the same as at home. My dad is kind and outgoing with a splash of good humor, exactly like in class, so itís really not any different for me.
But still, itís bad when I make mistakes at school since he is at home to remind me of it. Other than that I think itís great having a parent as a teacher.