Fresno Christian high school leadership and history teacher, Robert Foshee, hopes both high school and middle school will pack Operation Christmas Child boxes by Nov. 13.
FC has carried out the tradition of packing OCC boxes for many years now and are planning to carry on this tradition.
Operation Christmas Child is an organization created by Samaritan’s Purse. The main idea of OCC is to fill boxes of toys and gifts during the holidays to children who are less fortunate in other countries. Since 1993, more than 178 million children have received boxes in hopes to experience God’s love.
Steps in packing OCC boxes:
Step 1: Find a box, either shoe box, OCC box, or plastic box (located at Walmart or Target)
Step 2: Pick who you are packing for, boy or girl.
Step 3: Fill box with gifts, soccer ball, drawing supplies, school supplies, something fun & safe.
Step 4: Pray for box and child receiving the box
Step 5: Label box and drop off in Foshee’s room.
OCC boxes are to be collected and packed into trucks on Nov. 13. Make sure to pack your OCC box.
For more ideas on what to gift, visit Samaritan’s Purse
For more Feather photos, visit The Feather media page, photos 2020-21.