Hallie Rojeski’s eighth-grade history class take the 130 question U.S. Constitution test, Dec. 1.
The test consisted of fill-in-the-blank and multiple choice questions on the history of the U.S. government and how the political system works.
Students study for six weeks, learning the material with everyday quizzes and homework packets to help prepare them for the big day.
To celebrate the students’ hard work and accomplishing the test, parents provide the class with a celebratory lunch.
Towards the end of the lunch, Rojeski gave out certificates to award students who received above 100% grades on quizzes. Joseph Igot, ’22, earned the highest score ever during Rojeski’s teaching career. He received a score of 119%. Avery Walters (116%) and Avery Loeffler (115%) round out the top three in 2017.
Slideshow images below from the eighth-grade class partaking in the annual Constitution test and celebratory lunch, Dec.1.
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This author can be reached via twitter @juliafikse via email: Julia Fikse.
For more Feather photos, visit media, photos 2017-18.