Spanish I: Taylor Beckworth, Summer Foshee, Amanda Johnson and Zoe Bull used vocabulary and grammar from different units. Their oral presentation was titled, Pasar un rato con los amigos.
Spanish II: Riley Goldsborough used vocabulary from unit 2, La Rutina Diaria y los verbos reflexivos, to present his oral presentation.
Spanish III: Soren Sobrado, Madison Bryant and Faith Monroy used vocabulary from unit 1: Vamos a Acampar.
The three winning videos were chosen by Spanish teacher, Marianela Alguilar.
The reason I chose the three winners,” Alquilar said, “is because each of them used vocabulary and grammar topics for the whole year. Creativity was also a great point for winning.”
Spanish 1, 2 and 3 students create an oral video for their final exam, May 3. Marianela Aguilar, Spanish teacher, requires all students to participate and be creative in their presentation. For this video, students must film outside of class and every word must be in Spanish. Students in groups will be graded individually for their work, putting in equal effort.

For each video there must be a script with the students names, and what will be stated in the video. This is a 100 point exam so students are putting in their best effort for this final. The group that had “the best video” in Profesora Marianela Aguilar’s eyes will be featured on the Feather Online.
Aguilar expresses why she chose a video presentation over an exam for her students.
“Spanish 1, 2 and 3 students have been practicing spanish by writing in their workbooks but I wanted to see their oral skills,” Aguilar said. By having a video presentation they get to demonstrate how much they’ve learned this year. I’m looking forward to seeing what they come up with.”
Aguilar enjoys watching her students’ videos projects each year.
“I’m so proud of all my students and all the hard work they put in,” Aguilar continued. “Most of them used their vocabulary and it showed me how much they were learning.”
For more articles, read (Students celebrate Cinco De Mayo )
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joseph west • May 7, 2021 at 10:05 am
Really good article, keep up the good work.