As an eighth grade tradition, Calvin Crest has always ranked high on the epic middle school memories list for most students. Last year this annual eighth grade Calvin Crest trip did not happen due to COVID-19, and many students were left disappointed. This year a total of 50 eighth graders, 11 HS student counselors and 4 teacher chaperones spent the week making up for lost time in the Sierra Nevadas, Sept. 20-24.
When asked about her first time chaperoning, Sophomore Paige Deffenbacher boldy expressed a grand summation.
“I can confidently say that my week as a Calvin Crest counselor was one of the best weeks of my life!”
Deffenbacher who has traveled to many far off destinations including Europe, regularly spends time at a beautiful family lake house. and just turned sixteen years old says her chaperone experience ranks amongst these highs. Why?
“I will be taking away a lot of memories from this week,” Deffenbacher said. “From skit night to meal times and hikes, I can’t even begin to express how many hilarious stories I have from my week at Calvin Crest.”
Deffenbacher continues, “I’ll also be taking away new and strengthened friendships. Not only with the amazing students I got to spend the week with, but also with amazing fellow high schoolers I got to lead alongside. It brings me to tears how picturesque our time at Calvin Crest was, and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to pour into the class of ’26!”
Deffenbacher has involved herself in HS cheer, worship team, chamber choir, leadership and golf to stay connected on campus. Deffenbacher shares more on the impact of the week.
“The girls in my cabin were some of the sweetest, most generous and genuinely hilarious girls I’ve ever met,” Deffenbacher said. “Watching not only them, but their entire class, grow closer was just so cool to see. Hearing them worship and laugh and encourage each other and pray for each other made me smile everyday. I went into this week knowing that, as a sophomore, there was a chance that I might feel out of place, but once I was up at camp, I confidently knew that I was exactly where the Lord wanted me to be. He grew my faith by giving me the opportunity to lead and mentor others.”
Deffenbacher gives a special shout out to her fellow high school co-counselors from the week.
“I could not have done it without the other cabin leaders, though. They are some of the best people I know. Our camaraderie and friendships outside of camp brought such a fun, comfortable, and exciting vibe to every day. It is so evident to me that God’s hand was over it all.”
Cabin leaders include seniors Derek DeGroot, Edward Fikse, Noah Weimer, Maxwell Hinton, Isabella Hutcheson, Carlee Zamarripa and Ashley Logan as well as juniors Jakob Rieker, Andrew Scully and Madilyn Foster and sophomore Paige Deffenbacher.
Teacher chaperones consist of Nicole Larson, Thomas McEntee, Darbee Whipple and Scott Falk.
While the students aren’t on campus for classes, they participated in chapel services, rec time, class bonding and learning about their surroundings in outdoor education. Activities included foosball, gaga ball, rockwall climbing, hiking, a quiz show and skit night.
Eighth grader James Peters shares what a week of camp life looked like for him and some of the things he learned.
“My camp counselor was Edward Fikse and it was a great overall experience,” Peters said. “We had class out in the forest, we had chapel every night, and some of the nights we did activities. We had a skit night, create your own creature, and a game show. The best part of camp was either skit night or chapel. I will take away God’s word from that week. I learned a lot about the Bible, God, trees, survival, the Miwok people, and rocks.”
JH English teacher, Thomas McEntee, is new. this year to the FC community. McEnte previously taught at FC from 2001-2008. McEntee, who shares a passion for camping ministry, was a great resource for the students.
“I got to know the students better and I saw the young people develop stronger friendships with each other,” McEntee said. “This trip was an outdoor education so the students learned a lot about the local flora and fauna. But we also had a great time playing games and doing rec. Plus, the chapel services allowed us to focus in on God as the Creator and Savior of the world.”
If you’ve been on the Calvin Crest trip, feel free to share some of your favorite memories with us down below!
For more Feather photos, visit media, photos 2021-22