A year ago if I was asked to quickly write a post, it definitely would not have been quick and the stress would have overtaken my mental capacity. Journalism is hard. As scholastic journalism week approached this year, an obvious difference in my confidence encouraged me.
As a second-year returning photojournalist for The Feather, I have learned what it truly takes to be part of this team. You have to trust yourself to meet deadlines with efficiency, but you also have to trust the rest of The Feather team. As part of what we call PJ’s (photojournalist), I feel as though my photography and writing skills have grown exponentially.
Last year under the advisement of Kori James and Greg Stobbe, I learned the fundamentals of photography and writing. These skills have allowed me to step into a position of leading the team.
This year, due to schedule complications, Trinity Cox, ‘23, and I have been placed into an independent Feather class, fifth period during an AP U.S. history class. This has forced us to be more reliable and self-determined to complete our work.
While The Feather has given me many opportunities, I have grown outside of the school newspaper as well. My small, social media-run photography business, aubreymicaphotography, has utilized many of the abilities I have learned from The Feather. I began my business on social media last year when I got bored during quarantine. Now, it is slowly blooming over time and I am making money!

Along with my personal business, I have been blessed with the opportunity to take photos for Peoples Church and help manage the Instagram account, pcfresno. I look forward to arriving at church early every Sunday to gear up and set out around campus. I shoot in various areas around the church during the first service, 9 a.m. I capture info booths, fundraiser tables, worship, sermon and activities in the kids building to post Sunday wrap-up. Many of the other photos are used throughout the week to post infographics, announcements and updates about events at church. This has given me the opportunity to expand my photography skills as well as connect to new people in the church.
As Stobbe is out this school year due to surgery, I realized how blessed I was to observe even the slightest bit of his talents and writing abilities last year. I have carried the tips and lessons I learned last year under their guidance and hope to grow just as much this year.
I feel this change has helped me see how I can improve my own personal photography business in a sense of independence and efficiency. I would like to thank Bella Johns, ‘22, for being an amazing editor, communicator and friend throughout these adjustments.
I look forward to expanding my personal business and photo knowledge in my last high school years and throughout college. I could not be more thankful for the opportunities The Feather has given me.
For more articles, read Column: Amplifying student voices in an evolving state of journalism, Disneyland: Tips and Tricks and The start of a photojournalist: Aubrey Graham.2