It was an early morning for the seniors, arriving at 6 AM to watch the sunrise, Aug. 26. As graduation approaches, class bonding becomes a top priority for these students. Breakfast burritos and juice were provided before a time of worship and prayer.
Worship team director Daniel Garrison and seniors from his class, Aubrey Graham, Trinity Cox, Aidan Munoz and Max Morgan woke up extra early to rehearse their songs.

-Who You Say I Am
-King of My Heart
Senior Taylor Beckworth was asked to prepare and share a small devotional with the class. Beckworth’s main goals for this message were to promote kindness, bond the class and encourage students to step out of their comfort zone by talking to someone new. As a result, groups of four or five, who are unfamiliar with each other, were formed to get to know the people in the grade.
Senior Brynn Foster reflects on her senior sunrise experience and how the message impacted her.
“The message spoke to me that regardless of my first opinion on someone, I should get to know them for who they are on the inside and in God before making assumptions,” said Foster. “I will never forget these friendships I continue to make and how they’re impacting my life!”
The next event for this class will be the senior retreat, at Hume Christian Camps, Sept. 11-12.
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