Homecoming week, Sept. 19-23, is packed with dress-up days, court competitions, floats and a Friday football game, it encourages class camaraderie and school spirit.
To prepare for homecoming night, each class votes on a decade of their choosing to model class float designs after. Classes will sell a variety of items Friday night to help raise money for this year’s charity, The Poverello House.
Freshmen: 1960s
Sophomores: 1950s
Juniors: 1980s
Seniors: 1970s
Junior Chloe McDonald is excited to attend her first homecoming, especially for the floats.
“Float building is going good!” McDonald said. “The juniors’ have a really awesome theme, and I can’t wait for everyone to see it. You guys are going to be blown away!”
Every day of homecoming week is filled with events and dress up themes for classes to engage in. Each class will be awarded points based on dress up day participation, and the winning class will be awarded a pizza party.
- Theme: Millennia Monday (wear clothes from favorite decade)
- Princess pageant at lunch outside of PC Gym
- Theme: Toes-out Tuesday (wear open toed shoes)
- Princess pageant at lunch in PC Gym
- Theme: Wacky Wednesday (wear mismatched patterns or colors)
- Princess pageant at lunch outside of PC Gym
- Theme: Throw-it-in Thursday (use anything but a backpack)
- King and Queen Royal Battle at chapel
- Princess pageant at lunch in PC Gym
- Bonfire Rally from 6-8 PM at 7841 E Mesa Ave Clovis, CA
- Theme: Fanatic Friday (wear school colors or spirit wear)
- Homecoming night football game at 6:30
Friday night’s football game will be against Riverdale Christian. While there, people will be able to make purchases from Fresno Christian’s concession stand, the Poverello House table and visit each classes’ float.
Voting for the float winner will also be available for attendees. Homecoming princess candidates will be introduced before the game at 6:30 p.m. and queen and king winners will be announced at halftime.

Freshman Georgia Karlson is on the car committee in Leadership, meaning she helps pick the cars used to transport the homecoming court.
“I’m really excited for the dress-up days and homecoming itself,” Karlson said. “I love seeing the princesses and the cars are going to be really cool this year.”
Be sure to stay up to date with all homecoming announcements and coverage on The Feather Online and Instagram!
To watch a video recap of last year’s homecoming visit, Homecoming 2021, ‘Homecoming for Humanity
To read more from The Feather, go to Senior Sunrise 2022